Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 389
              Spring Term AD 1900
                 Thursday May 10
State of Florida }
       Vs        } Resisting an officer
June Boykin      }         Not a true bill
                       Edward K. Rosborough
                           Foreman Grand Jury
State of Florida }
       Vs        } Aggravated Assault
Dennis Mills     }    Not a True Bill
                        Edward K. Rosborough
                            Foreman Grand Jury
R.T. Wright               }
Plantiff in Error         }
      Vs                  }
H.S. Slater Deft in Error }
                   Now comes the defendant in error by
his attorney appearing especially and totaly for the purpose
of this motion and moves the Court to dismiss said writ
of Error because there has been no service of Scire Facias
ad audiendum errors upon the defendant in error in said
cause, and now said motion being submitted to the Court and
      Counsel for
argued by^the respective parties and the Court being advised
in the premises doth decide and order that said cause
be and is hereby dismissed

      In the Circuit Court of Alachua County County
State of Florida - In Chancery sitting:

Eveline Martin   }
      Vs         } Divorce
Samuel A. Martin }
                It appearing to the Court that the above
Entitled cause is now at issue and in all things and respects
ready for the taking of testimony therein, and it also appearing
by the records of the cause that the respective parties thereto
by their respective counsel have consented to the appoint-
ment of Robert E. Davis as Special Master in said Court to take
and report to the Court the testimony in said Cause:
It is therefore ordered by the Court, that the said Robert E. Davis
attorney be and he is hereby appointed special master of this
Court to take and report to the Court the testimony of such
witnesses as may be produced before him in behalf of the
complainant and the defendant herein and report the same to
this Court.
Done at Chambers at Gainesville Florida } W.A. Hocker
This 10th day of May AD 1900            }  Judge
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 13 June 2015
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