Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 390
                  Spring Term AD 1900
                   Thursday May 10
Camp & Griffin }
       vs      }
John A. Bishop }
               Now came the plaintiffs by their attorney Horatio
Davis Esq their attorney and move the Court to direct the
Clerk of said Circuit Court to place the above styled cause upon
the Trial Docket of said Circuit Court that such further
proceedings be had in said cause as had been directed by the
mandate of the Supreme Court of the State of Florida. Motion granted
May 10 1900                            W.A. Hocker
     In the Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida
                  For Alachua County
R.F. Camp and G.R. Griffin }
          partners &c      }
          Vs               } Judgment
John A. Bishop             }
                    It appearing to the Court from the
verdict of the jury rendered in the above styled cause
on the 14th day of May 1892 that the plaintiffs in said cause
are entitled to recover of said defendant, it is considered
and adjudged that plaintiffs do so recover of said defendant
and that a jury be empanelled to ascertain the amount
which plaintiffs are entitled to recover in said cause
Done and ordered this 10th of May 1900 in open Court.
                               W.A. Hocker Judge
R.F. Camp and          }
G.B. Griffin partners  }
under the firm name of } Assumpsit
Camp & Griffin         }
     Vs                }
John A. Bishop         }
                     Upon the calling of this cause for trial
the plaintiffs by their attorney Horatio Davis Esquire announced
ready. The defendant failing to appear either in person or by counsel
 Whereupon a jury was called to assess damages in said cause
and there came W.C. Hague, E.W. Rivers, J.W. Davis Frank Coleman
R.H. Stringfellow A. Goolsby who were duly empanelled and
sworn to diligently inquire of damages in this cause and a true
assessment make according to the evidence  And the Jury
aforesaid after hearing the evidence & the charge of the Court without
leaving the box rendered the following Verdict to wit:
  We the Jury find for the plaintiffs and assess their damages
at $300.00 so say we all              R.H. Stringfellow
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 13 June 2015
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