Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 391
                        Spring Term A.D. 1900
                         Thursday May 10.
Whereupon it is considered ordered and adjudged by the Court
that the plaintiffs B.F. Camp and G.R. Griffin partners under the firm
name of Camp & Griffin do have and recover of and from the defendant
John A. Bishop the sum of Three hundred dollars for their damages
together with their costs expended in this behalf taxed at Seven 15/100
Dollars and the defendant in mercy &c
  Spring Term Circuit Court Alachua County Florida 1900,
           It appearing to the Court to be necessary to hold this term
of this Court during the next and second week of this term the judge of the
Court in the presence of the Clerk and Sheriff in open Court drew from the 
box containing the names of the persons selected for jurors for the year 1900
the following named jurors for said second week of this Court Viz.
H.R. Brooker A.L. Jackson W.P. Davis, L.A. Vidal D.J. Vaughn W.M. Bradford
W.R. Roe J.G. Rawls Newton Rodgers, Walter Parker J.A. Ward
F.E. Cellon
    The Clerk will issue a Venire facias for above named
persons returnable at 10 a.m. May 14, 1900
                                     W.A. Hocker
Whereupon the Clerk issued the Venire as by order of the
Court directed
      Whereupon Court took a recess until Monday
morning next at 10 O'clock
               Monday May 14th 1900
  Court met this day pursuant to adjournment of 
Thursday last his Honor W.A. Hocker Judge presiding
And now comes L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua County and
returns the Venire issued out of this Court for twelve jurors to
serve for the second week of this present Term of the Court
as having been executed by summoning in persons H.R. Brooker
W.P. Davis D.J. Vaughn W.R. Roe Newton Rodgers  J.A. Ward
A.L. Jackson L.A. Vidal W.M. Bradford, J.G. Rawls Walter Parker
and F.E. Cellon. Whereupon for good and sufficient cause shown
D.J. Vaughn, W.R. Roe, J.G. Rawls, Newton Rodgers and F.E. Cellon were
excused from further attendance upon the Court
        In the Circuit Court of Alachua County
 Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida - Spring Term AD 1900
       It appearing to the Court that by reason of excuses
and otherwise there is a deficiency of five Petit Jurors to complete
the panel of the Petit Jury for this the second week of this the
Spring Term of the Circuit Court AD 1900: it is therefore ordered
that the Clerk of this Court to issue a Venire directed to the
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 14 June 2015
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