Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 392
                Spring Term AD 1900
                  Monday May 14th
Sheriff of Alachua County commanding him to summon from
the body of the County at large five persons qualified to serve as
jurors to complete the panel of the petit jury for this the second
week of the Spring Term of the Circuit Court AD 1900 said Venire
returnable instanter
Done in open Court this May 1st 1900          W.A. Hocker
      In the Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit of
              Alachua County Florida
The State of Florida
       To L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua County
       You are hereby commanded to summon from the
body of the County at large five persons qualified to serve as
jurors each for himself to be and personally appear before
the judge of our Circuit Court at the Court House in the city
of Gainesville to complete the panel of the petit jury for
this the second week of the Spring Term of the Circuit Court
AD 1900: said Venire returnable instanter
    Witness the Hon W.A. Hocker Judge and the seal of our
said Circuit Court this 14th day of May AD 1900
(Seal)                   H.C. Denton
                              Clerk of the Circuit Court
   And now comes L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua County
and returns the Venire for five jurors to complete the panel
of the Petit Jury for this the second week of the Spring Term
of the Circuit Court 1900 as having been executed by summoning
in person J.A. McDonald, T.A. Sewell C.A.W. Thomas J.S. Goode
and J.H. Goss
          And now the panel of the petit jury being complete
there came as jurors for this the second week of the Spring Term of
our Circuit Court AD 1900 the following named persons
H.R. Brooker, A.L. Jackson W.P. Davis L.A. Vidal W.M. Bradford
Walter Parker J.A. Ward, J.A. McDonald T.A. Sewell C.A.H. Thomas
J.S. Goode and J.H. Goss
           Whereupon at the request of Syd L. Carter State
Attorney Robert E. Davis was appointed by the Court Assistant
State Attorney serving the present Term of this Court and was
accordingly sworn in as such by the Clerk of this Court
          Whereupon the Grand Jury came into open
Court and made the following report to wit
State of Florida }   Indictment for Assault with intent to
      Vs         } Murder
Andrew Jenkins   }      A True Bill
                           Edward K. Rosborough
                              Foreman Grand Jury
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 14 June 2015
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