Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 393
               Spring Term A.D. 1900
                   Monday May 14
State of Florida }              Indictment for
       Vs        }  Obtaining Goods under False pretenses
W.H. Valentine   }              A True Bill
                                     Edward K. Rosborough
State Witnesses: Chas W. Bauknight F.T. Curry  Foreman of Grand Jury

State of Florida }              Indictment for Libel
       Vs        }               A True Bill
Israel M. Putnam }                 Edward K. Rosborough
State Witnesses:  T. Denby & W.R. Thomas   Foreman of Grand Jury

State of Florida }              Indictment for
      Vs         }      Assault with intent to Murder
John Howard      }  A True Bill: Edward K. Rosborough
State Witnesses:  Walter Leonard, R.J. Thompson, Foreman of Grand Jury

State of Florida }        Indictment for
      Vs         }  Assault with intent to Murder
Herbert Pinkoson }         A True Bill
State Witnesses:                Edward K. Rosborough
Robert Joiner  J.J. Burton & R.M. Railey   Foreman of Grand Jury

State of Florida }        Indictment for
       Vs         }      Altering Mark of Cattle
John V. Denton    }        A True Bill
State Witnesses                Edward K. Rosborough
T.A. Johnson  O. Gamage  George Cail       Foreman of Grand Jury

State of Florida }        Indictment for
       Vs        }   Malicious Mischief
John Rowe        }       A True Bill
                                 Edward K. Rosborough
                                    Foreman of Grand Jury
State of Florida             }       Indictment for Murder
       Vs                    }             A True Bill
Percy Summers                }             Edward K. Rosborough
Richard Lamb & Marvin Summers}                 Foeman Grand Jury
State Witnesses:  B.C. Hodges, O.C. Barrs, Joseph Osteen & Sally Patterson
A.J. Moore, R.R. Rives, C.C. Harwell, A.L. Cone J.S.Dorr M.K. Parish J.V. Shehee
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 27 May 2014
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