Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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    E.G. Younglove to Hattie L. Sanchez and Amelia E. Taylor
State of Florida } Know all men by these presents That I E.G. Younglove of the
Alachua County   } aforesaid State and County for and in consideration of the sum
of Five Hundred Dollars Dollars to me cash in hand paid by Hattie L. Sanchez
and Amelia E. Taylor the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have
granted bargained Sold aliened and conveyed and by these presents do grant
bargain sell alien and convey unto them the said Hattie L. Sanchez and Amelia E. Taylor
all of that certain Lot tract piece or parcel of land Situated lying and being in the
Town of Gainesville in Alachua County State of Florida and particularly described
according to the original Survey of said Town of Gainesville As commencing at the
North East Corner of Block Four (4) in Range Two (2) of said Town of Gainesville
Thence West Thirty (30) Feet and Eight (8) inches along the Northern boundary line
of said Block No Four (4) Thence South Seventy Five (75) Feet Thence Easy Thirty (30)
Feet and Eight (8) inches to the Eastern boundary line Seventy Five (75) Feet to the
place of beginning containing Twenty three Hundred and Twenty Five (2325)
square Feet of land Together with all and Singular the tenements hereditaments and
appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining. To have and to
hold the same unto them the said Hattie L. Sanchez and Amelia E. Taylor and
to their heirs executors administrators and assigns in fee simple absolute forever
In witness whereof I have hereto set my seal on this 5th day of April
AD 1882
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of us as witnesses }
                    A.L. Collins                           } E.G. Younglove (seal)
                     S.H. Wienges                          }
State of Florida } Before me personally appeared E.G. Younglove to me well and
Alachua County   } personally known who did say and acknowledge before me
that he did sign seal and deliver the foregoing Deed of Conveyance for the
uses and purposes therein contained and expressed and that the said E.G.
Younglove is a Single unmarried man
Acknowledged and Subscribed before me this }
5th day of April AD 1882                   }  E.G. Younglove
           J.A. Carlisle                   }
             Clerk Cir Court               }
            pr S.H. Wienges DC             }
                                        Recorded April 8th 1882
                                          J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                                               pr S.H. Wienges DC

        John H. Evins to Albert G. Hester
This Indenture made on the twelfth day of March in the Year one thousand
Eight hundred and Eighty two between John H. Evins of the first part and
Albert G. Hester of the second part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of
the Sum of One Hundred and Eighty Dollars to him in hand paid
at and before the sealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged the said party of the first part has given granted bargained
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 23 May 2019
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