Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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whomsoever. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and
seals on this 8 day of April AD 1882
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of } W.M. Sherouse (seal)
us as witnesses                            } Nancy Sherouse (seal)
           James Aull                      }
          Louis S. Light                   }
State of Florida }
Marion County    } I - in and for Marion County do hereby certify that
on this 8 day of April AD 1882 before me in person appeared Mrs Nancy
Sherouse wife of William M. Sherouse to me well and personally known
and who being first duly questioned and examined by me separate and
a part from her said Husband did say and acknowledge before me upon
such separate and private examination that she did sign seal execute
and deliver the foregoing Deed of conveyance for the purpose of
releasing relinquishing and renouncing all of her right and claim
to Dower in and to the lands in said Deed described and that said
release relinquishment and renunciation of Dower was done and
made by her freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion
constraint apprehension or fear of or from her said Husband
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto in the presence }
of the said renunciation set my hand and official    } Nancy Sherouse
seal the day and year above written                  }
               J.B. Wilson                           }
                Justice of Peace                     }
State of Florida } Before me personally came William M. Sherouse and
Marion County    } Nancy Sherouse his wife each of whom did duly
and severally say and acknowledge before me that they and each 
of them did sign seal execute and deliver the foregoing Deed
of conveyance to Horace Tarbox for the uses and purposes therein
contained and expressed
Acknowledged and Subscribed before me this 8'day } W.M. Sherouse
of April AD 1882                                 } Nancy Sherouse
           J.B. Wilson Justice of Peace          }
                           Recorded April 13th 1882
                            J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                                 pr S.H. Wienges DC

         Amanda M. Gaskins To Samuel V. Gaskins
State of Florida } Whereas by an order issuing out of the County Court
Alachua County   } in and for said County authorizing me as one of the
heirs of Mrs Sarah Perry decd late of the State of South Carolina ^to
sell the lands of said deed^ and whereas Saml V. Gaskins was the
highest and best bidder for the same at the price of Forty five 93/100
Dollars. Now Know all men by these presents that I M.A. Gaskins for
and in consideration of the sum of Forty nine 93/100 Dollars to me in
hand paid at & before the sealing and delivery of these presents the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do by virtue of the authority
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 8 September 2020
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