Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 329
Florida and commencing at the Northeast corner of lot Sixty Two (62) 
and running thence west along the North line of said lot thirty one
(31) rods and thirteen feet to a Stone and thence along the road from
Arredondo to Micanopy in a South easterly direction to another Stone at
the Junction of said line with the east line of said lot Sixty two
twenty two rods and twelve feet to the place of beginning and containing
two and one fourth acres more or less. Ten feet of which on the west
side of said lot is reserved for a road. To have and to hold the same 
together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges
thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining and all the
estate right title and interest and claim whatsoever of the said parties
of the first part either in law or equity to the only proper use benefit
and behoof of the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns
forever. In witness Whereof the said parties of the first part have
hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year
first above written
Sealed and delivered in the presence of } Harper Howland
           N.A. Prentice                } Rosette M. Howland
         Grace J. Prentice              }
State of New York   }
and County of Tioga } On this thirteenth day of March in the year one
thousand eight hundred and Eighty two before me the subscriber
personally came Harper Howland and Rosette M. Howland to me
known to be the persons described in and who executed the within
instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same
                                        N.A. Prentice
                                        Justice of the Peace
 State of New York  }ss
and County of Tioga } I John C. Gray Clerk of said County of the
County Court thereof and of the Supreme Court of said State held
in and for said County Courts of Record do hereby certify that N.A. Prentice
Esq whose name is subscribed to the certificate of proof or acknowledge=
ment of the annexed instrument was at the date of said certificate a
Justice of the Peace in and for said County commissioned and sworn
and duly authorized to take and proof or acknowledgement; That I am
well acquainted with his hand writing and verily believe the
signature to said certificate is his genuine signature; and that
said instrument is executed and acknowledged conformably with the
laws of said State of New York - In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto
Subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Courts and County
  (    )         at Owego this 14 day of March 1882
(  Seal  )                             Jno C. Gray Clerk
  (    )         Recorded April 13th 1882
                         J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                            pr S.H. Wienges DC

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 13 September 2020
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