Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 332
"I now & hereby convey to the said E.D. Barnett from this NE Corner running West
"seven chains & thirty feet thence South twenty six chains & Eighty three links
"to the point of beginning being the NE corner of said tract containing by
"estimation twenty acres of land more or less" the said deed to said Barnett
being recorded on said record book "M" on page 530 on the 28th June 1881
the said land hereby conveyed to the said C.W. Keep and Mrs Mary
Jane Sampson being fifty two acres more or less: To have and to hold
to the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns with all the
rights & privileges thereto appertaining and the title to the said land herein conveyed
the said parties of the first part to the parties of the second part their heirs
and assigns shall & will forever warrant & defend by these presents. In
Witness whereof we hereunto set our hands and affix our seals the day & year
before written. Signed sealed & delivered in our presence          }
this March 14th AD 1882 the words "Post" & "East" being interlined } Alice H. Center (LS)
                      A.G. Hester                                  } Geo Y. Center (LS)
                      J.R. Little                                  }
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } I J.W. Smith a Justice of the Peace in & for said County do
hereby certify that George Y. Center and Mrs A.H. Center his wife both
known personally to me who acknowledged to me that they executed the
foregoing deed to C.W. Keep & Mrs Mary Jane Sampson for the purposes
therein stated and I further certify that the said Mrs A.H. Center having
acknowledged to me that she executed the said deed freely & voluntarily &
without any compulsion or ^fear^ of or from her said husband.
Taken Signed & acknowledged before me }
this March fourteenth AD 1882         } Alice H. Center
           J.W. Smith                 } Geo Y. Center
          Justice of the Peace        }
                              Recorded April 14th 1882
                                  J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                                    pr S.H. Wienges DC

    Samuel A. Swann To Joseph S. Ferry
This Indenture made the Twenty third (23) day of February Anno
Domini Eighteen Hundred and Eighty two between Samuel A. Swann
of the City of Fernandina County of Nassau and State of Florida (unmarried)
party of the first part and Joseph S. Ferry of the - County of Kane
and State of Illinois party of the second part: Witnesseth That the
said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of
Ninety one & 66/100 dollars lawful money of the United States of America
to him in hand paid by the said party of the second part the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold aliened
remised released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents does
grant bargain sell alien remise release convey and confirm unto
the said party of the second part and his heirs and assigns
forever all that certain lot Tract or Parcel of Land situate lying
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 17 September 2020
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