Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 334
                                                       (    ) 
                                      J.A. Ellerman  ( (seal) )
                                   Justice of the Peace(    )

              Recorded April 17th 1882
                              J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                                     pr S.H. Wienges DC

     Charles W. Brush and Julia A. Van Ness To Mrs Hattie L. Sanchez
This Indenture made this Twenty Seventh day of January AD one
thousand eight hundred and eighty two between Charles W. Brush
and Julia A. Van Ness the only surviving heirs at law and devisees of
Nehemiah Brush deceased parties of the first part and and Mrs
Hattie L. Sanchez of Alachua County and State of Florida party of the second
part Witnesseth that in consideration of the sum of Eighty (80) Dollars
paid by the said party of the second part to the said parties of the first part
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the said parties of the first part
do hereby grant bargain sell assign transfer and set over unto the said
party of the second part his heirs and assigns all that certain piece
or parcel of land situate and lying in Brush's addition to Gainesville
in Alachua County and State of Florida and described as follows; that is to
say Beginning for the same on the East boundary line of Lot number
Twenty three (23) in said addition at a point one hundred and
ninety eight (198) feet Northerly from the South east corner of said lot
and running thence North one hundred and thirty two (132) feet along
said east boundary line thence west parallel to the North and South
boundary lines of said lot Six hundred and Sixty (660) feet to the West
boundary line of said lot thence south along said west boundary line
one hundred and thirty two (132) feet and thence east in a straight
line to the place of beginning. Being part of the grant of land
known as the "Arredondo Grant" and which by decree of the Circuit
Court of St John's County in said State of Florida in the case of
Brush and others against Prall and others dated August 11, 1849 and
duly recorded in said Alachua County was adjudged and set
over to the heirs at law and devisees of the said Nehemiah Brush
deceased. Together with all and singular the estate right title
interest claim and demand which the parties hereto of the first
part have in and to the same. To Have and To Hold the said
described piece or parcel of land with appurtenances unto the
said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever.
And the parties hereto of the first part severally covenant with the party
of the second part hereto his heirs and assigns that they have not
done any act matter or thing to encumber the property hereby conveyed
and that for themselves respectively and for their respective heirs the said
premises and every part and parcel thereof to the said party of the
second part his heirs and assigns against every person lawfully
claiming the same they shall and will forever warrant and
defend In Testimony Whereof the parties of the first part have
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 19 September 2020
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