Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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first duly questioned and examined by me separate and apart from her
said husband says and acknowledges before me that she did sign
the said deed of conveyance for the purpose of releasing relinquishing and
announcing all of her right of Dower in and to the land in said deed
described and that said relinquishment and renunciation of Dower was
done and made by her freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion
constraint apprehension or fear of or from her said husband
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my }
hand and seal                               } Alice J. Bauknight (seal)
          J.S. McDonell (LS)                }
State of Florida } Before me personally appeared F.G. Bauknight and
Alachua County   } Alice J. Bauknight who acknowledged that - executed
signed seal and delivered the foregoing deed of conveyance for the uses and
purposes therein contained and expressed
Acknowledged and subscribed before me this } F.G. Bauknight
19th day of April AD 1882                  } Alice J. Bauknight
        J.S. McDonell (LS)                 }
                                Recorded April 21st 1882
                                       J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                                         pr S.H. Wienges DC

      William A. Hopwood and Wife to Burt C. Drake
                 "Satisfaction of Bequest"
State of Connecticut } Know all men to whom these presents shall come
Harford County       } and whom it may concern that we William A.
Hopwood and his wife Susan R. Hopwood of the Town of Simsbury in
the aforesaid County and State have this day received of Burt C. Drake of
Gainesville in Alachua County State of Florida and do hereby acknow=
=ledge the receipt of and from him of the sum of Three Hundred
Dollars lawful money of the United States which amount is in
full payment and settlement of the devise or bequest made to us and
to our four (4) children of whom we are the natural guardians in
and by the Last Will and Testament of our deceased sister Isabel H.
Hopwood late of Alachua County Florida deceased And we do hereby
further acknowledge that the said sum of Three Hundred Dollars we
hereby declare and acknowledge to be the full fair and just and
actual cash market value of the Lot of Land described in said
last will of our said deceased Sister Isabel H. Hopwood located
in the Town of Gainesville in Alachua County Florida particularly
described as Block No One (1) of Range No Seven (7) The said Three
Hundred Dollars being the proceeds of the sale of said lot that is coming
to us and our said four (4) children in being at the time of the making
of said last will in and by the terms of said last will and we hereby
declare that we are fully informed as to the real present value of said
lot and hereby declare for ourselves and for our said four (4) children
that we are well pleased and thoroughly satisfied with the said
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 3 October 2020
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