Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 372
      Benjamin Rush To William A. Colclough
State of Florida } Know all men by these presents that I Benjamin Rush
Alachua County   } for and in consideration of one dollar to me in hand paid
have granted bargained sold and Quit-claimed and by these presents do bargain
sell and quit claim unto William A. Colclough all my right title interest
or claim in and to the lands hereinafter described either in Law or Equity
said lands being known and described as being and lying in the County
of Alachua and State of Florida and particularly designated and
described as follows to wit: Beginning at the North East corner of the
"Thomas Napier Grant" and running thence North Five and three quarters
(5 3/4) degrees West Ten (10) chains Thence North Eighty four and a quarter
(84 1/4) degrees East Ten (10)chains Thence South Four and three quarter (4 3/4)
degrees East Ten (10) chains Thence South Eighty four and a quarter
(84 1/4) degrees West Ten (10) chains to the point of beginning containing by
estimation Ten (10) acres of land more or less the same being a portion of
what is known as the "D.L. Clinch Grant crosses the line dividing
sections Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Township Ten (10) South Range Twenty
(20) East and running thence South Eighty four and three quarters (84 3/4)
degrees East Five chains to a Stake Thence South Four and three quarters
(4 3/4) degrees west Four chains and thirty five (4.35) links thence North
Eighty four and three quarters (84 3/4) degrees West Five (5) chains thence
North four and three quarters (4 3/4) degrees East four (4) chains and 
Thirty five links to the point of beginning containing by
estimation Two acres and Seventeen one hundredths (2 17/100) of an
acre of land more or less And also another piece or parcel of land
described as follows Beginning at the point where the center of the "Florida
Southern Railway" crosses the run of "Sweet water Branch" and running
thence along the center of the said Railway Track in a Westerly
direction Eighteen (18) chains and Twenty five links thence South one (1)
chain and Thirty Six (36) links to a Stake which constitutes the
starting point to describe the land hereby conveyed and running
thence South Eighteen (18 0/) degrees East Three (3) chains and 
seventeen (17) links to a Stake; Thence South Seventy Two (72 0/)
degrees West Six (6) chains and thirty four (34) links to a Stake Thence
North Eighteen (18) degrees West Three (3) chains and Seventeen
(17) links to a Stake and Thence North Seventy Two (72) degrees
East Six (6) chains and Thirty four (34) links to the Starting
point containing by Estimation Two acres of land more or less
To have and to hold the same unto the said W.A. Colclough
his heirs and assigns forever in fee simple In Witness Whereof
I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on this the
13 day of April AD 1882
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us as witnesses } Benjamin Rush (seal)
        1 J.A. Carlisle                                        }
        2 S.H. Wienges                                         }

[Part SEC7 TWP10 R20 & Part SEC8 TWP10 R20]
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 25 October 2020
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