Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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deed of conveyance for the uses and purposes therein contained and
Acknowledged and Subscribed before me }     C.W. Norton
this 24th day of March AD 1881        }
            Maston ONeal Ordy DC Ga   }
Georgia        }
Decatur County } I the undersigned do hereby Certify that Maston O Neal
who signed and attested the within deed and acknowledgement
is Judge of the Court of Ordinary in and for said County and that
said Court is a Court of record and that his signature is genuine
Given under my hand and official signature this 24th day of March
1881      (  )                 J.T. Wimberly  Clerk
        ( Seal )               Superior Court DC Ga
          (  )
State of Alabama  }
County of Chilton } Before me personally appeared Julia R. Norton
who acknowledged that she executed sealed and delivered the
foregoing deed of conveyance for the purposes and uses therein
contained and expressed
Acknowledged and subscribed before me }     Julia R. Norton
this 31st day of March AD 1881        }

                              Recorded May 4th 1882
                              J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                               pr S.H. Wienges DC

Florida Land and Immigration Company to William Dole
No 778                      "Deed"
   This Indenture made and entered into on this the twenty fifth 
day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and 
Eighty Between The Florida Land and Immigration Company a body 
Corporate under the laws of the State of Florida party of the first part 
and William Dole of the town of Beloit County of Rock and State
of Wisconsin party of the second part Witnesseth: That the said 
party of the first part for and in consideration of the Sum of 
Fifty Dollars lawful money of the United States of America to it 
in hand paid by the said party of the second part at or before 
the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is 
hereby acknowledged has given granted aliened bargained sold transferred 
conveyed and confirmed and does by these presents give grant alien 
bargain sell transfer remise release convey and confirm unto the said 
party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever all that 
Certain tract or parcel of Land Situate lying and being in the County 
of Alachua and State of Florida and known and described on the 
public maps and records of said State as the North West quarter 
of the North West quarter of Section Twenty two in Township Eight 
South of Range Twenty one East: Containing Forty acres more or less 
(NW1/4 of NW1/4 Sec 22 T8 S R21 E) To Have and To Hold the

[NW1/4 of NW1/4 SEC22 TWP8 R21]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 23 January 2018
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