Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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and demands of any and all persons whomsoever now claiming or
hereafter to claim the same. In Witness Whereof we have hereunto set our
hands and affixed our seals on this 20th day of April AD 1882
Signed sealed and delivered in presence }
of us as witnesses                      } William Birt (seal)
          George Wright                 } Louisa Birt (seal)
         Thos H. Fletcher               }
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } I hereby certify that on this 20th day of April AD 1882
before me personally appeared Mrs Louisa Birt wife of William Birt the
grantor in the foregoing conveyance who being first duly questioned and
examined by me separate and apart from her said husband says and
acknowledges before me that she did sign the said deed of conveyance
for the purpose of releasing relinquishing all of her right of Dower in
and to the land in said deed described and that said relinquishment
and renunciation of Dower was done and made by her freely and
voluntarily and without any compulsion constraint apprehension or
fear of or from her said husband.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my  } Louisa Birt (seal)
hand and seal this 20th day of April AD 1882 }
            Thos H. Fletcher (seal)          }
            Justice of the Peace             }
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } Before me personally appeared William Birt
and Louisa Birt who acknowledged that they executed signed
sealed and delivered the foregoing deed of conveyance for the
uses and purposes therein contained and expressed
Acknowledged and subscribed before } Thos H. Fletcher (seal)
me this 20th day of April AD 1882  } Justice of the Peace
             Recorded May 8th 1882
                   J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                      pr S.H. Wienges DC

   Samuel A. Swann To Rebecca Jane Watson
This Indenture made the Seventeenth (17") day of April Anno Domini
Eighteen Hundred and Eighty Two Between Samuel A. Swann of the
City of Fernandina County of Nassau and State of Florida (unmarried)
party of the first part and Rebecca Jane Watson (widow) of the City and
County of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania party of the second
part Witnesseth That the said party of the first part for and in consideration
of the sum of Fifty and 69/100 Dollars lawful money of the United States of
America to him in hand paid by the said party of the second part
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained
sold aliened remised released conveyed and confirmed and by these
presents does grant bargain sell alien remise release convey and confirm
unto the said party of the second part and her heirs and assigns
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 13 November 2020
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