Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 400
In testimony whereof I have hereunto in the } C.T. Dawkins (seal)
presence of the said renunciatrix set my    }
hand and official seal the day and          }
year above written                          }
(Seal)     R.F. Taylor Notary               }
           Public State of Fla at Large     }

State of Florida } Before me personally appeared James B. Dawkins
Alachua County   } and Carrie T. Dawkins his wife each of whom did
duly and severally say and acknowledge before me that they
and each of them did sign seal execute and deliver the foregoing
deed of conveyance to Isabel F. McKinstry for the uses and purposes
therein contained and expressed
Acknowledged & Subscribed before me this }   James B. Dawkins
26th day of April AD 1882                }  Carrie T. Dawkins
        R.F. Taylor Notary               }
 Public State of Fla at large            }
                                  Recorded May 10th 1882
                                J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                                     pr S.H. Wienges DC

         Joanna P. Lewis To Moses Endel
State of Florida } This Indenture made this 24th day of April AD 1882
Alachua County   } between Joanna P. Lewis of the State & County aforesaid
of the first part and Moses Endel of the same State & County party of
the second part: Witnesseth that the said party of the first part
by virtue of the power and authority to her given in & by an order
issuing out of the Circuit Court and bearing date April 8th 1882
by which the said party of the first part was duly appointed Trustee for
the sale of the lands of Thomas B. Lewis and Martha P. Lewis minor
children of William R. Lewis & Legatees of W.W. Lewis dec'd late of said
State & County which order is of record in the Clerk's office of the
Circuit Court of the 5th Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida in & for
the County of Alachua and for and in consideration of Five Hundred
Dollars lawful money of the United States to her in hand paid at
or before the sealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged has granted bargained sold released & conveyed
& by these presents do grant bargain sell release convey and confirm
unto the said party of the second part his heirs & assigns forever all
that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in said State
& County and Known & described as follows Commencing at the NW corner
of Section Twenty Six 26 & running South 70 feet to a Stake thence
South Thirty-Eight (38) degrees thirty (30) minutes E 440 feet thence South
32° 30' E Three hundred & Twenty-two 322 feet thence South 40°
E 514 feet to a Stake said Stake being the North eastern boundary
of the lands hereby conveyed Running South 44° 45 seconds E 800
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 23 November 2020
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