Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record W
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Deed Record W Page 174
that he saw the within named Margaret M. Anderson and M. Alice
Cureton sign seal and deliver the within written deed and that he
J.A. Hafner witnessed the execution thereof
Sworn to before me this 23rd July 1885 }    J.O. Darby
   (  )              John C. McFadden  }
 ( Seal )              Clerk CC        }
   (  )

State of South Carolina }
    Chester County      } Personally appeared before me C.H. Ragsdale
and made oath that he saw the within named S.T. Anderson H.G.
Anderson F.A. Anderson & L.F. Anderson sign seal and deliver the within
instrument for the uses therein mentioned and that he together with
J.T. Barkstrum Witness the due execution thereof
Sworn to before me this 28 Feb 1885 }
   (  )        John C. McFadden     }  C.H. Ragsdale
 ( Seal )          Clerk CC         }
   (  )
              Filed for Record August 3rd 1885
                  Recorded August 4th 1885
                         J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                               pr S.H. Wienges DC

 Rebecca Reeves   }
       To         }  Deed
 Watson C. Reeves }
           State of Florida }
           Alachua County   } This Indenture made on the Thirteenth
day of July in the Year one Thousand Eight hundred and Eighty
five between Rebecca Reeves of the second part Witnesseth that for and
in consideration of the sum of Four Hundred Dollars to her in hand
paid at and before the sealing and delivery hereof the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged the party of the first part has given
granted bargained sold and conveyed and by these presents does so give
grant bargain sell and convey to the party of the second part the
following described parcel of land to wit commencing at the South
West corner of the Seven acre lot of land now owned and in
possession of the party of the second part and running thence South
to the North West Corner of the lot of land owned by B.M. Reeves three
chains and Sixty Six links thence East fifteen chains to a point
twent feet from the track of the Fla Southern Rail Road thence
North three chains and seventy four links & thence West
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 24 May 2020
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