Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record W
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the same In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed my seal on this Eleventh day of July AD 1885
Signed Sealed and delivered in    }
presence of us as Witnesses       }    H. Augusta Craw    (seal)
 1 Nelson J. Craw                 }
 2 Henry K. Selleck               }

State of Connecticut        }
County of Fairfield         } Personally appeared before me Henry K. Selleck
a Notary Public  Mrs H. Augusta Craw widow of Martin L. Craw decd to
me well known to be the person described in the within deed and
acknowledges under oath that she sealed and delivered the within deed of
conveyance for the uses & purposes therein mentioned and expressed
   Acknowledged and Subscribed before    }
me this 11th day of July 1885            }  H. Augustus Craw
{         }    Henry K. Selleck          }
{ Seal    } Notary Public in and for the }
{         } State of Connecticut         }

    Filed for Record August 6th 1885
        Recorded August 7th 1885
                   J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                         for S.H. Wingus  DC

G.N. Helveston    }
      to          }    Deed
Wm B. Lipsey      }
           State of Texas  }
           County of Gregg }Know all men by these presents that we G.N.
Helveston and Mary E. Helveston the wife of G.N. Helveston for and in consideration
of (231) dollars to us in hand paid by Wm B. Lipsey of the County of
Alachua State of Florida the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged have
this day bargained sold & Conveyed & do by these presents bargain sell & convey unto
the said Wm B. Lipsey all of a certain tract or parcel of Land lying &
being in the State of Florida & County of Alachua the Metes & Bounds of which
is hereby given to wit: on the E side of Section (35) Township (11) Range
(18) Two hundred and thirty one (231) acres more or less of Land
To Have and to Hold the said property to the said Wm B. Lipsey All
& Singular the rights members of Appurtenances thereto belonging and we do
hereby bind our heirs and assigns & executors & administrators to warrant &
forever defend the same unto the said Wm B. Lipsey his heirs & assigns forever
Transcribed by Charles Blankenship 17 February 2003
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