Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record W
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Deed Record W Page 193
to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining and the said party of
the first part does hereby covenant and agree with with the said party
of the second part that he is lawfully seized in fee of the property herein
and hereby conveyed and that he has good and lawful right to sell and convey
the same that the same is free from all encumbrances of any Kind whatsoever
and that he will and his heirs executors and administrators shall and will
forever warrant and defend the same unto the said party of the second part
and to her heirs Executors administrators and assigns against the lawful
claims and demands of any and all persons whomsoever now claiming or hereafter
to claim the same In testimony whereof the said party of the first part
has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above 
  Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us as witness} A D Jernigan (SEAL)
1   H B White                                             }
2   P H Young                                             }
State of Florida }
County of Alachua} Before me personally came A D Jernigan who acknowledged
that he executed signed sealed and delivered the foregoing deed of
conveyance for the uses and purposes therein contained and expressed
acknowledge and subscribed before me }
this 25th day of June AD 1885        }
    (SEAL)         PH Young          }     A D Jernigan
                   Notary Public     }
                    State at Large   }
                                     Filed for Record August 10th 1885
                                     Recorded August 10th 1885
                                          J A Carlisle, Clerk
                                              pr S H Wienges DC

Organization of Alachua County School Board
                        Office of the Board of Public Instruction
                               Gainesville Fla Aug 6th 1885
The Board of Public Instruction convened at the Office of the Superintendent
at 10-30 AM. Present Wm H Robertson B W Powell H C Barker T J McRae
and W N Sheats Sec Supt. the Board proceeded to complete its organization
before transacting any other business. Wm H Robertson was nominated and
unanimously elected Chairman of the Board
Wm N Sheats Sec & Supt                      Wm H Roberts
                                               Chair BPI
   We certify that the above is a correct and time extract of the minutes
and a true Statement of the proceedings of the Board of Public Instinction
of Alachua County at its Session of August 6th 1885 Wm N Sheats Sec & Supt
Transcribed by Karen McColl 13 April 2023
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