Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record W
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belonging or in anywise appertaining To Have and to Hold unto the
said party of the second part his heirs & assigns forever in fee simple
absolute and the said parties of the first part do by these presents
warrant and do agree to forever defend the title of said premises in & to the
said parties of the second part his heirs executors administrators and
assigns against every person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming
or to claim the same. In testimony whereof said parties of the first
part have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day
& year above given
Sealed signed and delivered in presence of}  Elise W. Haile      (seal)
         M.M. Cogswell                    }  Chas. E. Haile (LS) (seal)
         P.H. Young                       }  J.D. Matheson       (seal)
                                             Trustee for Elise W. Haile
State of Florida}
Alachua County  } Before the subscriber a Notary Public in & for
said County personally came Elise W. Haile Chas. E. Haile her
husband & J.D. Matheson Trustee for Elise W. Haile all of whom are
to me well known and acknowledged in my presence that they
executed the foregoing deed of conveyance for the uses & purposes
herein set forth and the said Elise W. Haile upon being examined
by me separate and apart from her husband acknowledged that she
executed the said deed of conveyance of her separate estate freely
& voluntarily and without any compulsion constraint apprehension
or fear of or from her said husband In Witness Whereof they have
hereunto set their hands & Seals
Taken Acknowledged signed & Sealed}   Elise W. Haile        (seal)
before me this 20th day of June 1885} Chas. E. Haile (seal)
         P.H. Young Notary Public }   J.D. Matheson         (seal)
State of Florida}
Alachua County  } I P.H. Young a Notary Public in and for State
& County aforesaid do hereby certify that on this 20th day of June 1885 Mrs
Elise W. Haile wife of Chas. E. Haile appeared in person and upon being
examined by me separate & apart from her husband acknowledged that
she executed the foregoing deed of conveyance of her separate property and
made the above acknowledgement freely & voluntarily and without any
compulsion constraint apprehension or fear of or from her said husband
                                         Elise W. Haile (seal)
Given under my hand and seal this day day and year above written
                                         P.H. Young
                                              Notary Public
Filed for Record August 29th 1885
      Recorded August 29th 1885
              J.A. Carlisle   Clerk
                   pr S.H. Wienges DC
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 25 October 2010
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