Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record W
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Deed Record W Page 227
convey the said premises as above he has done that said premises are
free from any lien or incumbrance in law or in equity and that he
will warrant and defend the said title against the lawful claims
and demands of all persons and the said Mary A Griffin hereby
consents with her husband to the alienation of said and makes
herself a party to this deed for the purpose of relinquishing her
dower and right of dower Witness our hands and seals the 16th day
of July AD 1885
Signed sealed and delivered in our presence}   George B Griffin (SEAL)
          E R Bliss                        }   Mary A Griffin   (SEAL)
         James D Burbridge                 }
State of Florida }
County of Duval  } Be it Known that before me a Notary Public
personally appeared G B Griffin and Mary A his wife who
severally acknowledged that they executed the foregoing deed for
the purpose therein expressed and I further certify that said Mary
A Griffin at an examination separate and apart from her said
husband did acknowledge that she executed the foregoing deed of
conveyance and joined in the same for the purpose of relinquishing
her dower or right of dower in and to the premises described therein
and that said relinquishment was made freely and voluntarily
and without any fear compulsion or constraint of or from her
husband the said Geo B Griffin. Witness my hand and seal this
16th day of July AD 1885
                                   Walter B Clarkson
          (SEAL)                   Notary Public State of Florida   
                                          at large
                 Filed for Record August 31st 1885
                   Recorded September 1st 1885
                            J A Carlisle Clerk
                                 pr S H Wienges DC

Elizabeth Denton             }
        To                   }   Deed
Her Children & Grandchildren }
      State of Florida}
      Alachua County  } This Indenture made this the First
day of March AD 1874 Between Eliza Denton of said State and
County of the first part and her Children and Grand Children Niz
Mittie Denton Rachael Denton Ella D. Tucker and the Children
of Gilbert L Denton parties of the second part Witnesseth That the
Said party of the first part for and in consideration of love and
Transcribed by Karen McColl 13 April 2023
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