Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record W
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affection that she has for her children and in further consideration
of (25000) Two hundred & fifty Dollars does grant bargain and sell
and convey unto the parties of the second part all that tract or parcel
of land lying and being in said State and County as follows Viz:
to Mitty Denton and Rachael Denton Lots numbered (5) Five (6) Six & (7) Seven
in section (9) nine and ten (10) T 10 R 19 ^South & East^ containing in all
(496) Four Hundred & ninety Six acres more or less_ To Ella D. Tucker Lots
numbered (2) two & (4) Four in Section 9 & 10 T10 R19 S&E containing in all
(365) Three Hundred & Sixty five acres more or less And to the Children
of Gilbert L. Denton Viz G.L. Denton Jr F.B. Denton John V. Denton and
Earnest B. Denton To Lots numbered (3) Three in Sec 23 33? T9 R19
S&E containg 90 80/100 acres more or less also numbered one in sec 9 & 10
T10, R19 S&E containing (182) one hundred & Eighty two acres more
or less To have and to hold unto the parties of the second
part respectively their heirs and assigns in fee simple
forever In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal this
the day & year above written
In presence of        }          Elizabeth Denton (L.S.)
  W.S. Campbell       }
  S.C. Tucker         }
State of Florida }
Alachua County   }  Before me personally appeared Samuel C.
Tucker who being duly sworn says that he saw Mrs. Elizabeth
Denton sign seal and deliver the above and foregoing deed of
conveyance for the uses and purposes therein contained and expressed
and that the together with W.S. Campbell signed the same as subscribing
witnesses thereto
Sworn to & Subscribed before me this }  Samuel C. Tucker
September 1st A.D. 1885              }
        R.F. Taylor    Notary Public }
(Seal)     State of Fla at large     }

                  Filed for Record September 1st 1885
                       Recorded September 3rd 1885
                          J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                              pr S.H. Wienges D.C.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 26 February 2015
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