Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record W
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store fixtures and iron safe now in the Store fixtures and iron safe now
in the Store room occupied by me on the North side of the public square
in the City of Gainesville Florida To have and to hold unto the said
G.W. Fennell his heirs and assigns in trust to sell and dispose of said
clocks watches Jewelry silverware show cases store fixtures and iron
safe and out of the proceeds derived from said sale to pay first the Just
and reasonable expenses costs charges commissions and attorneys fees incurred
in executing and carrying into effect this assignment and the rest
and residue derived from said sale to distribute to my creditors in
proportion to their several Just demands.  In Witness Whereof I have
hereto set my hand and seal this 21th day of January A.D. 1886
Signed sealed & delivered in presence  }
of us as witnesses                     }  J.B. Jobson  (seal)
              B.A. Thrasher            }
              Jno W. Ashby             }
State of Florida    }
Alachua County      }  Before me personally appeared J.B. Jobson
who acknowledges that he executed signed sealed and delivered the foregoing
deed of assignment for the uses and purposes therein contained and expressed
acknowledged & Subscribed before me this }
4th day of January A.D. 1886  }    J.B. Jobson
                      B.A. Thrasher      }
 (Seal)                Notary Public     }
                        State of Florida }
                         at Large        }
An Inventory of the property of J.B. Jobson of the County of
Alachua and State of Florida assigned to G.W. Fennell for the benefit of
the creditors of the said J.B. Jobson together with a list of said
creditors and the amount of their respective claims as near as the
same can be ascertained
Inventory of Property Clocks Watches Jewelry  }
Silverware Store fixtures and Iron Safe of the}
estimated value if                            }  $2000.00
                         List of Creditors
S.F. Myers & Co                               $2187.85
  Jacob Strauss                                 132.21
Meridian Britania Co.                           175.00
Phealser Bros.                                   11 00
Seth Thomas Clock Co.                            80.00
N. Kraft Agent                                  224.00
J.B. Bynner                                      50.00         
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 13 June 2013
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