Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record W
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Deed Record W Page 529
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } I J.B. Jobson being duly sworn says that the foregoing
is a true inventory of the property embraced in the annexed assignment
which embraces all the property owned by me above that which I hold as
exempt from levy or Sale under the Constitution and laws of the State
of Florida and the list of my creditors with the amount of their
respective claims is correct according to the best of my Knowledged
Sworn to and subscribed before me this }
4th day of January AD 1886             } J.B. Jobson
          B.A. Thrasher                }
   (  )           Notary Public        }
 ( Seal )         State of Florida     }
   (  )             at Large           }
                                   Filed January 4th 1886
                                   Recorded January 4th 1886
                                      J.A. Carlisle   Clerk
                                          pr S.H. Wienges DC

The Alachua Improvement Company }
             to                 }  Deed
     D.A. Robinson              }
                  This Indenture made and entered into on this 28
day of Decr AD 1885 by and between the Alachua Improvement Company a
Corporation duly and legally organized under and by virtue of
the laws of Florida party of the first part and D.A. Robinson of the
County of Alachua State of Florida party of the second part Witnesseth
that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the
sum of One Hundred and fifty Dollars to it this day paid at and before
the sealing and delivery hereof the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged
hath granted bargained sold and conveyed and doth by these presents
grant bargain sell convey and confirm unto him the said party of the
second part and to his heirs and assigns forever all those lots
tracts or parcels of land situated lying and being in the County
of Alachua in the State of Florida and Specially Known
distinguished and described as follows to wit: * Lots (18) Eighteen
(19) Nineteen and (20) Twenty in Block (20) Twenty in New Gainesville
Alachua Co Fla and containing ____acres more or less Together with all and
singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging
or in anywise appertaining To Have and to hold the above bargained and
described premises unto D.A. Robinson the said party of the second
part and to his heirs executors administrators and assigns forever in
fee simple absolute and the said party of the first part for itself
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 18 December 2018
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