Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record W
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Deed Record W Page 571
Barnard Clerry  }
     To         }    DEED
M.S. Perry      }  Whereas I Barnard Clerry of the State and
County aforesaid did execute on or about the 28th day of June Eighteen
Hundred & fifty three a Deed to M.S. Perry of the County and State
aforesaid to my entire interest both real & personal in & to my son Thomas
Clerry's est formerly of the State and County aforesaid, And whereas the
above mentioned Deed the execution of which was witnessed by Jno S. Perry &
Thomas Kenedy was retained by me to insure the completion of the bargain
on the part of said M.S. Perry to wit: that said Perry was to accompany me
to either Savannah or Charleston & procure for me a check upon some house
  To wit: two hundred pounds British Currency
in Liverpool for the amount of purchase money: and whereas I have been
unavoidably prevented from delivering said Deed to said M.S. Perry: do
therefore make and execute this Deed in full acknowledgement of the above
mentioned Deed to said Perry both as to date terms &C, That is to say the
aforesaid M.S. Perry agrees on his part to refund to my Son-in-law John
Holden the amount of money paid by said Holden: to wit, the amount of
purchase money with interest thereon as promised by my son Thomas Clerry
for the tract of Land upon which I now reside, And I Barnard Clerry for
& in consideration of the above consideration, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged: do bargain and sell unto the said M.S. Perry all my right title
& interest in & to the Est of my son Thomas Clerry deceased both real and person
al: That is to say, I Barnard Clerry of the County and State aforesaid for the
above mentioned consideration do by these presents bargain sell release deliver &
convey unto the said M.S. Perry all my right title & interest in a certain tract
of Land purchased by ny son Thomas Clerry deceased & Known as Lot No 5
situated on Moses E. Levy's Twenty thousand acre grant sithin the Aredon
do Grant, County and State aforesaid containing Sixteen hundred and
sixty six acres more or less and adjoining Lands now or recently owned
by M.E. Levy, J.M. Croxton Jno White & M.S. Perry, together with all the rights
members hereditaments & appurtenances incident thereto, or in any wise
appertaining: And I do hereby bind myself my heirs executors & assigns
to warrant & defend forever unto the said M.S. Perry his heirs Executors
& assigns, the above described Tract of Land against all person or persons
lawfully claiming the same or any part thereof - Also my entire interest
to said M.S. Perry in the following named salves, the property of my
son Thomas Clerry at the time of his decease, That is to say - Jack, August
January, Malley, Viny and her child, Scinda and her child, Louisa, Susan
and nancy, together with their future increase, to have and to hold
forever, In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and affixed my seal this the thirteenth day of July, One thou
sand Eight hundred and fifty three, In Presence of
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 4 March 2004
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