Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record W
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Deed Record W Page 589
and Known distinguished and described as follows to wit: Commen
cing at a stake on the Section line sixty feet West of the Centre of the Florida
Rail Road track, and about five (5) chains west of the section corner, thence
west two hundred and sixty seven feet to a stake, thence south (200)
Two Hundred feet to a stake thence East (140) one hundred and forty
feet to a stake and thence (238) Two Hundred and Thirty Eight feet along
the Rail Road limited to the place of Commencement containing One acre
of land more or less all Contained in and being a part of Section (4)
Four in Township Ten (10) South of Range (20) Twenty East, Together with
all and singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances therein
to belonging or in any wise appertaining. To Have and to Hold the above
granted and described premises and every part and parcel thereof unto
him the said J.C. Frazier and to his heirs executors, administrators and
assigns forever as fully as I the said Sheriff as aforesaid our law
fully authorized and empowered to do In witness whereof I have here
unto set my hand and affixed my seal, On this the 5th day of October
AD 1885.
Signed sealed and delivered  }   Samuel C. Tucker   (seal)
in the Presence of us        }  as Sheriff of Alachua County
F.E. Hughes                  }                      Florida
W.W. Hampton                 }
(seal)  Notary Public        }

       Filed for Record January 8th 1886 and
         Recorded January 11th 1886
                   J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                          pr S.H. Wienges DC

L.H. Eastman    }
  To            }  Lease
W.W. Hampton    }

This Indenture made and entered into on this    day of
December AD 1885 by and between Lucy H. Eastman

Transcribed by Karen McColl 19 December 2023
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