Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record W
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and her husband John C. Eastman of Gainesville in Alachua
County Florida, parties of the first part, and Harry N. Hamlyn
of the same place, party of the second part: Witnesseth, That the said
parties of the first part, do hereby lease demise and let unto the
said party of the second part, the following described property to wit:
That Certain parcel of land and the Hotel thereon to wit: A Certain
piece or parcel of land, situated lying and being in the Town of Gaines
ville in Alachua County Florida, with all the buildings standing
thereon, and the appurtenances to the same belonging, Known as the
"Arlington House" and the land running from the lot of Estate of
P.H. Young, to the South Street thereof, North and South, and from
Garden Street to a point fifteen feet East of said building, East
and West, = the party of the Second part, also to have the use of the
furniture crockery ware and Dining room and Kitchen furniture
now contained therein, as inventoried the time of occupancy, upon the
following terms conditions and stipulations to wit:- The party of the
second part, shall occupy the premises, for the term of one year, begin
ning on the 15th day of October AD 1885, and ending on the 15th
day of October AD 1886 at the rental price of ($58 1/3) fifty Eight
and One third Dollars per month in advance and in addition
thereto shall board the said parties of the first part and furnish
them with one room, Said monthly rental shall be paid prompt
ly on said 15th day of each month in advance, or within three
days thereafter: And any default in the payment of the said
rent or of any part thereof when so due, shall be an entire for
feiture hereof and shall entitle the parties of the first
part to take immediate possession of said premises
and oust the party of the second who agrees in event of
any such forfeiture to vacate at once, upon demand
made for same, The party of the second party doth further
give the parties of the first part a specific Lien upon
all of the furniture now contained in said House or on
said premises, put therein by his mother Mrs Hamlyn
who has this day sold and conveyed the same to him the said
H.N. Hamlyn so that he can give this Lien, and the party of
the second part doth further agree and obligate himself to
make all repairs and alterations as may be deemed neces
sary at his own expense, and to replenish the hotel with
Table linen, & Crockery ware as may be necessary for the
convenience and comfort of guests and to Keep the hotel
in a neat and Creditable manner and in every way to
maintain the Character and reputation of the same as a Hotel
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 6 February 2018
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