Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record W
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Deed Record W Page 592
Geo B. Griffin  }
   To           }  Deed Warranty
Samuel H. Doten }

This Deed of Conveyance, Witnesseth that Geo B. Griffin of Duval County
and State of Florida, and Mary A., his wife in consideration of the sum
of Four hundred eighty & 50/100 Dollars which the said Geo B. Griffin here
by acknowledges that he has received from Samuel H. Doten of City of
Portland, State of Maine have bargained and sol and hereby give grant
release alien and confirm to the said Samuel H. Doten and to his heirs
and assigns, the following land, situate in the County of Alachua State of
Florida to wit: Lot_ Number_ One hundred six (106) of the Town of Windsor
according to the plat thereof recorded in Book T pages 426 & 427 of said
Alachua County records, Said Town of Windsor is located in Township Ten
South Range Twenty One East. This Conveyance is made on and subject to
the express condition that no intoxicating liquors of any Kind shall at
anytime hereafter be manufactured or sold by the Grantee, his heirs or
assigns, upon the premises herein described and Conveyed to be used as
a beverage, and it is expressly provided and made a condition absolute
of these presents, that if at any time hereafter any intoxicating liquors
shall be manufactured or sold by the Grantee his heirs or assigns on
such premises to be used as a beverage, if shall work a forfeiture
hereof and the Grantor and his heirs shall thereupon have and may
exercise the right to re-enter and possess said premises as of their
former estate therein: Together with all easements rights of way
and appurtenances generally belonging to said land - and the said
George B. Griffin covenants with the said Samuel H. Doten that he
has lawful right to sell and convey the said premises as above he
has done: that the said premises are free from any lien or in
Cumbrance in law or in equity: And that he will warrant and defend
the said title against the lawful claims and demands of all persons
and the said Mary A. Griffin hereby consents with her husband
to the alienation of said land and makes herself a party to this deed
for the purposes of relinquishing her dower and right of dower
Witness our hands and seals the 30 day of December AD 1885
Signed sealed and Delivered in our presence of }
F.W. Griffin                                   } Geo B. Griffin
A.B. Campbell                                  } Mary A. Griffin

State of Florida  } Be it Known, That before me a Notary
County of         } Public personally appeared G.B. Griffin
and Mary A., his wife who severally acknowledged that they executed
Transcribed by Karen McColl 5 December 2023
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