Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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private examination made separate and apart from her said husband
acknowledged that she freely and voluntarily executed said instrument for
the purpose of relinquishing and renouncing all rights of dower separate Estate
Homestead and all rights whatsoever in the premises described without any
compulsion constraint apprehension or fear of or from her said husband
and they each acknowledged that they signed sealed and delivered
said instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth
Witness my hand and official seal at Micanopy this 16th day of June AD 1886

              ((Seal))                   J.W. Smith (seal)
                                           Notary Public
                       Filed July 8th 1886
                           Recorded July 9th 1886
                             J.A. Carlisle, Clerk
                                  pr S.H. Wienges DC

Chas Townshend Murdoch et al}
       To                   }   Appointment of New Trustees
Andrew C. Maclae            }
          This Indenture made the nineteenth day of July one thousand
Eight hundred and Eighty four between Charles Townshend Murdoch
of No 1 Pall Mall East London Banker and Jan Anne Langerheizen
of Amsterdam Holland Banker of the first part. The Honorable Leonidas
Moreau Lawson of New York in the United States of America Banker
of the second p art and Alexander Cmm Maclae of Cathkin
Lavarshire and the City of London Merchant of the third
part. Whereas by an Indenture dated the twenty ninth day of October
one thousand Eight hundred and Eighty three and made between the
Florida Land and Mortgage Company Limited (hereinafter called "the
Company") of the one part and the said Charles Townshend Murdoch
Leonidas Moreau Lawson and Jan Anne Langerheizen of the other
part the Company did grant and assign unto the said Charles
Townshend Murdoch Leonidas Moreau Lawson and Jan Anne Langerheizen
their heirs and assigns the pieces or parcels of land particulars whereof
were contained in the first part of the schedule thereunder written
and also the lands comprised in the Agreement referred to in the second
part of the schedule. To hold the same unto and to the use of
the said Charles Townshend Murdoch Leonidas Moreau Lawson and
Jan Anne Langerheizen and their heirs and assigns. Upon trust for
securing to the holders of the debentures therein mentioned respectively
without preference or priority the principal moneys interest and
premises payable thereunder in manner in the now reciting
Indenture mentioned. And by the now reciting Indenture it was
provided that if any of them the said Charles Townshend Murdoch
Leonidas Moreau Lawson and Jan Anne Langerheizen should
desire to be discharged the continuing trustees should have power
Transcribed by Karen McColl 16 May 2023
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