Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Lot No. 55 of the lands of Joel B. Smith in the town of Micanopy and also 
known as the Ratcliff lot and running thence West two hundred
and ten feet thence North one hundred and forty eight feet thence East two 
hundred and ten feet thence South one hundred and forty eight feet to point of 
beginning and containing by estimation three quarters of an acre of land more or 
less which we our heirs our executors and administrators will forever Warrant 
and defend hereby relinquishing all rights of Down courtesy separate Estate Homestead
and all rights whatsoever in the above premises. Witness our hands and Seals
this 16th day of December 1885.
Witness     }                    Jacob Winecoff   {seal}
H.J. Willis }                    Cynthia Winecoff {seal}
J. W. Smith }

State of Florida } SS
County of Alachua}
                  I J.W. Smith a Notary Public in and for
said county hereby certify that Jacob Winecoff and Cynthia 
Winecoff his wife personally known to me to be the persons whose names 
are subscribed to the foregoing instrument appeared before me in person 
and the said Jacob Winecoff acknowledged that he executed said instrument and 
the said Cynthia Winecoff on a private examination made separate and 
apart from her husband acknowledged that she freely and voluntarily 
executed said instrument for the purpose of relinquishing and renouncing
all right of Down separate Estate Homestead and all rights what-
soever in the premises described without any compulsion constraint appre-
hension or fear of or from her husband. And they each acknowledged that 
they signed sealed and delivered said instrument for the uses and 
purposes therein set forth. Witness my hand and official seal at 
Micanopy this 16th day of December A. D. 1885.
                                     J.W. Smith {seal}
                                     Notary Public
Filed for Record Sept 1st 1886
Recorded Sept 4th 1886
          J.A. Carlisle clerk
          fm S.H. Winges D.C.

Noah Warrington}
     to        }  Deed 
J.R. Wilkerson }
                This indenture made the second day of August 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty six
between Noah Warrington and his wife Gertrude Warrington
of the County of Orange and State of Florida parties of the 
first part and J.R. Wilkerson of the County of Alachua 
and State of Florida party of the second part witnesseth that 
Transcribed by Rebekah Hurd 26 February 2003
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