Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 196
of the Value of $10000  4th Two houses and Lots ad-
joining Same valued at $70000  5th an interest in
73 acres of land part of the Wilson tract purchased
together with J.G. Steele  6th a Small tract of nine
or ten acres in Alachua Co Florida of the value of
$10000 or more and 6th the whole of his personal
property Consisting among other things of a lot of
about Twelve Thousand pounds of Chewing Tobacco
worth about $252000 a lot of Smoking Tobacco
worth about $30000 machinery and fixtures used in
his tobacco factory Claims in the hands of J.G.
Steele atty and all his household and Kitchen fur-
niture Stock in Cigar Store &c &c in Trust. 1st of
the Stock in Cigar store all his household and Kitchen
furniture and twenty five hundred Dollars (to be raised
as hereinafter mentioned and which is to repay the am-
ount received from her fathers estate) to the wife of the
grantor 2nd to Secure the following debts all amounts
due from the Grantor to the Bank of Lexington about
$120000 a Judgment lien in favor of S. Mc Morris
estate about $60000 - a Judgment lien in favor of W.G.
Paine and W.W. Lewis about $9000 - the amount due
Miss H.J. Farra (a Lunatic) $100000 with interest for
three years - money borrowed from S.M. Dold about
$30000 money borrowed from the Building Fund asso-
Ciation Say $70000 Vendors lien on property about $130000
and Wages due G.E. Hughes $14600 3rd Class about
the following amts $12900 due to A.Y. Stokes Richmond
$1150 to William Myers Baltimore $4700 due to John Martin
& Co Baltimore $2000 Wm White amt unknown due to
C.W. Stewart $1100 due to E. Funkheuser $350 due to R.E. Carter
$14300 to Antrum Eppinger & Lafferty $1073 due to J.T.
McCrum amt unknown due to G.B. Sarrick $1907
due to P.H. Chalkley & Co - $1000 due William Davidson
Jr - $600 due to Lexington Gazette - amt due S.M. Dold
& Son $1500 due Wm Dold $3700 due T.H. Deover amt
due H.H. Myers about $20000 due James Harrison
$61716 due James Clemmants - $32246 due Mrs Whitten
- $2000 due John Noel - $24500 due Dr. Harris $2700
due J.P. Hyde and $2500 due to T.E.M. Corkle and such
other Just debts as the grantor may owe this con-
veyance is made upon the following Trusts that after
the expiration of Three years if any or all of the said
debts are unpaid then the said Trustees shall sell
the real estate after such notice and upon such
terms as he may consider necessary and proper.
The household and Kitchen furniture to be held
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 29 January 2017
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