Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 198
is now and was at the time of Signing the Same
a Notary Public for the said County of Rock-
bridge duly Commissioned and qualified and that
his acts as Such are entitled to full faith and Credit
And I further Certify that the foregoing deed
of Trust is properly and Sufficiently Authenticated
for recordation in the State of Virginia
In Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand
    (  )     and affix the seal of said Court
  ( Seal )   the 11th day of September AD 1886
    (  )                     J.P. Moore Clk
 Filed for Record October 5th 1886
 Recorded October 6th 1886
                   J.A. Carlisle
George Y. Renfro }
      To         }  Deed
 W.N. Sheats     }
                 State of Florida }
                 Alachua County   } Know all men by
these presents: That George Y. Renfro (an unmarried Man)
of the City of Glasgow, County of Barron State of Kentucky
for and in Consideration of Two hundred and fifty ($25000)
dollars to him in hand paid by William N. Sheats of the
County of Alachua in the State of Florida the receipt
whereof I do hereby acknowledge have granted bargained
Sold and Conveyed and by these presents do grant bargain
sell and Convey unto him the said William N. Sheats
all of my undivided half interest in two certain
lots pieces tracts or parcels of land Situated lying
and being in the County of Alachua State of Florida
particularly known and described as follows to wit:
The First tract as follows to wit: Lots numbered Six
(6) North one half of Twenty one (21) and the West one
half of Lot Number Twenty Two (22) as numbered in the
recorded plat of Mackey and Hudson in Deed Book
J at page Nine hundred and Six (906) of the public
records of Alachua County, State of Florida and according
to a recent Survey made by William C. Miller Civil En-
gineer and Surveyor and lines new and Corners estab-
lished by him excepting and reserving for road pur-
poses a Strip of land two rods wide along the North line
of lot Six (6) also for same purpose (a Strip of land
one rod wide along the South line of West half of
Twenty Two (22) all as shown in recorded plat;) the
Second Tract as follows to wit:
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 31 July 2020
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