Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 199
The West one half of Lot Number (5) as shown in the
recorded plat of Mackey and Hudson on page Nine
hundred and Six (906) of Deed Book "J" of the public
record records of Alachua County State of Florida and
according to a recent Survey made by William C. Miller
Civil Engineer and Surveyor and lines and Corners established
by him excepting and reserving for road purposes a
Strip of land two rods wide on the North line of said lot
the two tracts or parcels Containing by estimation one
hundred acres of land more or less Together with all
and Singular the tenements hereditaments and appur-
tenances to the Same belonging or in anywise apper-
taining - To have and to hold the Same unto him
the said William N. Sheats and to his heirs executors
administrators and assigns in fee Simple absolute
And I the said George Y. Renfro do hereby Covenant
and agree to and with the said William N. Sheats
that I am lawfully seized in fee of the property
herein and hereby Conveyed and that I have good
and lawful right to Sell and Convey the Same and
that Same is free from all encumbrances of any kind
whatsoever excepting two mortgages bearing the date
of December the Eight AD 1883 or about that date
the other of the said Mortgages bearing the date of
March the fourth AD 1884 or about that date
and that I and my heirs executors and adminis-
trators shall and will forever warrant and defend
the Same unto him the said William N. Sheats and
to his heirs executors administrators and assigns against
the lawful claims and demands of any and all
persons whomsoever now claiming or hereafter to Claim
the Same excepting the Mortgages hereinbefore men-
 In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed my seal on this the Sixth day of September
AD 1886                 George Y. Renfro    (Seal)
Signed Sealed and delivered        }       (  )
in the presence of us as witnesses }     ( Seal )
T.T. Reynolds                      }       (  )
W.W. Franklin                      }

State of Kentucky }
Barron County     } Before me personally appeared
George Y. Renfro and who acknowledges that he
executed signed sealed and delivered the forgoing
deed of Conveyance for the uses and purposes
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 31 July 2020
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