Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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At a meeting called pursuant to notice posted as provided for by law
and held at the residence of E. Leybourn on Saturday at 8 O'Clock PM Aug
14 1886: J.C. Mayfield was chosen chairman and I.J. Halsted Secretary
The Secretary read the Call also the law as found in McClellons digest
it was voted to build a hall for Sunday School purposes on motion a
committee of three was appointed to draft Articles of Association. On Motion
adjourned to meet at house of W.H. Palmer on Saturday Aug 21st at 8 PM
                     Saturday Eve  Aug 21
The meeting was called to order pursuant to adjournment Committee
reported Articles of incorporation which was adopted (as per Enclosed Copy)
Proceeded to Election of officers as follows
   J.C. Mayfield President   Mrs Viola Palmer Secretary I.E. Webster
Treasurer, L.C. Means Trustee for 3 Years I.J. Halsted for 2 Years
Mrs Mary A. Murch for 1 Year
On motion adjourned to meet at call of the President

          Articles of Association of the North Gainesville
Improvement Association.
Section 1. In pursuance of the Laws of the State of Florida
the undersigned and their Associates and Successors do hereby
and shall forever be a body corporate under the name and
Style of "The North Gainesville Improvement Association: and by
such name shall be capable in law to contract purchase
receive hold and quietly enjoy lands tenements goods and chattels
with power to grant bargain sell release mortgage and convey the
same to sue and be sued plead and be impleaded to make a
common seal and to alter the same at pleasure
Section 2. The object and purpose of this organization under
the law as Aforesaid is to purchase a tract of land and to
erect and maintain upon the same a building for the uses and
benefit of the North Gainesville Sabbath School.
Section 3. The officers of the Association shall consist of a
President a Secretary a Treasurer and a Board of Trustees Elected in
manner herein after mentioned from the membership of said
Section 4. The said officers and board of trustees of said Association
shall Elected Annually on the First Monday in October Except
as hereinafter provided.
Section 5 There shall be elected at Each Annual Election after
the first Election a Trustee for the term of three years
constituting a board of five members including the President
and Secretary who shall be members of such Board defacto
Section 6. The officers of the Association together with the said
trustees shall be Elected by ballot for the term of one Year as
aforesaid or until their successors files with the secretary his
acceptance in writing.
Section 7. It shall be the duty of the President to preside
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 30 July 2020
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