Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 034
Homestead and all rights whatsoever in the above premises. Witness our
hands and seals this 2nd day of July 1886
      Witness        }               Mattie F. Knox  (seal)
      J.H. Carter    }              W.M. Knox        (seal)
      J.W. Smith     }
  State of Florida } ss
  County of Alachua} I J.W. Smith a Notary Public in and for said
county hereby certify that W.M. Knox and Mattie F. Knox his wife personally
Known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing
instrument appeared before me in person and the said W.M. Knox acknowled=
ged that he executed said instrument and the said Mattie F. Knox. on a
private examination made separate and apart from her said husband
acknowledged that she freely and voluntarily executed said instrument for
the purpose of relinquishing and renouncing all rights of Dower Separate
Estate Homestead and all rights whatsoever in the premises described
without any compulsion constraint apprehension or fear of or from her
said husband. And they each acknowledged that they signed sealed
and delivered said instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth
Witness:- My hand and official seal at Micanopy this second day of
July AD 1886

              ((Seal))   J.W. Smith  (seal)
                              Notary Public
                      Filed for Record July 17th 1886
                      Recorded July 17th 1886
                               J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                                    pr S.H. Wienges DC

T.K. Crosby }
    To      } Deed
W.H. Patton }
        The Grantors T.K. Crosby and J.A. Crosby of Alachua
County Florida in consideration of seven hundred & fifty Dollars
paid being seized in fee simple thereby Grant Bargain sell and
convey with the General Covenants of Warranty unto W.H. Patton
his heirs and assigns forever to have and to hold in fee sum file the
following described Real Estate in Alachua County Florida to wit:
One third interest undivided in Lot seven (7) of the Leitner lands
as surveyed by W.C. Miller said survey being on record at the
Clerks office in the City of Gainesville Fla which we our
heirs our executors and administrators will forever warrant and
defend hereby relinquishing all rights of dower courtesy separate Estate
Homestead and all rights whatsoever in the above premises
Witness our hands and seals this 13th day of July 1886
  Witness     }
  A. Crosby   }             T.K. Crosby   (seal)
  J.W. Smith  }             J.A. Crosby   (seal)
Transcribed by Karen McColl 22 May 2023
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