Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 060
Sutherland and Buttimer              }
         to                          }  Deed
Kanapaha Presbyterian Church Trustees}
        State of Florida }
        Alachua County   }  Know all men by these presents that we
C. Olivia Sutherland and A.S. Sutherland her husband, James Buttimer
and Mary A. Buttimer his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Dollars
to us in hand paid by Albert R. Elmore R.F. Taylor George P. King Charles
Breedlove and William P. Whitney as Trustees of the "Kanapaha Presbyterian
Church" of Alachua County Florida the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge
have granted bargained sold aliened and conveyed and by these presents
do grant bargain sell alien and convey unto them the said Albert R.
Elmore R.F. Taylor George P. King Charles Breedlove and William P. Whitney
as Trustees for the use and benefit of the Corporation of Alachua County
Florida called the "Kanapaha Presbyterian Church" all of that certain lot
piece or parcel of land situated lying and being in Alachua County
State of Florida in the recently laid out town called "South Arredondo"
and which is particularly Known and described upon a map or platt
of said town of "South Arredondo" of record in the public records of
Alachua County Florida as follows to wit: Commencing at the North
East Corner of Lot No Ninety Eight (98) in the said town of "South
Arredondo" and running from thence North fifty Eight and a
half (58 1/2°) Degrees East two hundred and Sixty one (261) feet to a
Stake on the Eastern boundary line of Section Twenty nine (29)
in Township Ten (10) South in Range Nineteen (19) East thence
running South along the said Section line Two hundred and
Sixty six (266) feet to a Stake thence South fifty Eight and a
half (58 1/2) Degrees West one hundred and thirty seven (137) feet to the
South East Corner of Lot No One hundred and ninety one (191) thence
North thirty one and a half (31 1/2°) Degrees West Two Hundred (200)
feet to the place of beginning containing one acre more or less
Together with all and singular the tenements hereditaments
and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining
To Have and to Hold the same unto them the said Albert R.
Elmore R.F. Taylor George P. King Charles Breedlove and William
P. Whitney and to their heirs and successors in the trust in trust
for the use and benefit of the said "Kanapaha Presbyterian
Church" in fee simple absolutely forever, In Witness whereof we
have hereunto set our hands and affixed hereto our seals on
this 30th day of June AD 1886
Signed sealed delivered in presence of us as witnesses }  C. Olivia Sutherland  (Seal)
to Signatures of C. Olivia Sutherland & A.S. Sutherland}  A.S. Sutherland       (Seal)
               J.A. Carlisle                           }  Jas Buttimer          (Seal)
               H.G. Clark                              }  Mary A. Buttimer      (Seal)
and in our presence as witnesses to signatures         }
of James Buttimer and Mary A Buttimer                  }
               W.J. O Brien                            }
               Vina Buttimer                           }
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 7 February 2011
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