Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 092
same and every part and parcel of the above mentioned and
described premises hereby conveyed unto the said party of the second part his
liens executors administrators and assigns to his and their own proper use
benefit and behoof in fee simple absolutely and forever. In Testimony whereof we
have hereunto set our hands and affixed hereto our seals the day and year first
above written.
Signed sealed and delivered in presence }   Geo H. Cook as Executor  ((  ))
of us as witnesses                      }   Kenny K. Stearns         ((  ))
         Samuel Lee                     }      as Executor    
         Geo Bidgood                    }  Jno N. Stearns         ((  ))
State of New York           }ss
City and County of New York } Be it remembered that on this second day of
January in the year One thousand Eight hundred and Eighty five before me
George Bidgood a Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Florida in and for
the State of New York duly appointed and authorized by the executives
authority of the State of Florida under the laws of said State to take within
the State of New York proof and acknowledgment of Deeds &C to be used
and recorded in said State of Florida personally appeared George H. Cook and on
January 5 1885 before me also came Henry K. Stearns and on the Sixth of same month
John N. Stearns all to well known to be the persons who executed the
foregoing deed by them sealed and subscribed and the said George H.
Cook Henry K. Stearns and John N. Stearns severally acknowledged the
execution thereof to be their free act and deed for the uses and
purposes therein contained and expressed.
         In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
         affixed hereto my official seal the day and year last
            last written
((Seal))                        Geo Bidgood
                                Commissioner for State of Florida
                                     in New York
         Filed August 11th 1886 for Record
            Recorded August 16th 1886
                   J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                        pr S.H. Wienges DC

J.J. Thompson et al }
         To         }  Deed  QC
Ned E. Farrell      }
    State of Florida  }
    Alachua County    } Know all men by these presents that
we John J. Thompson and James D. Mathison and Augusta S.
Mathison his wife of the aforesaid State and County for and in
consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to us cash
in hand paid by Ned E. Farrell of Waldo in said State and County the receipt
whereof we do hereby acknowledge have granted bargained sold
conveyed and forever quit claimed: And by these presents do grant bargain

Initials G.B. are written on the left margin of page
Transcribed by Karen McColl 20 July 2023
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