Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 197
Chas Wickliffe Yulee Et al }
  To                       }  Deed
Florida Yulee Neff         }
This Indenture made the 31st day of December in the year of our
Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty Seven (1887) by and
between Charles Wickliffe Yulee of the City of Washington and District
of Columbia, Margaret Y. Read (nee Yulee) wife of Charles H. Read
of the City of Washington and District of Columbia, and Nannie
Yulee Noble (nie Yulee) wife of William Belden Noble of the City of
Washington and District of Columbia parties of the first part and
Florida Yulee Neff (nie Yulee) wife of Wallace Neff of the City of
Cincinnati County of Hamilton and State of Ohio party of the second
part. Whereas the parties hereto have and hold in equal parts
certain tracts pieces or parcels of land situate lying and being in
the Counties of Levy Alachua and Nassau in the State of Florida
(and more particularly described in Schedule attached hereto) as the
Surviving children and only legal heirs of David L. Yulee and
and Nannie C. Yulee his wife both deceased, And whereas the
parties hereto have mutually agreed to make partition of said
land and hold their respective shares in severalty -
Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Florida Yulee Neff
(nee Yulee) party of the second part shall from henceforth have
hold possess and enjoy in severalty by herself and to her and her
heirs and assigns for her share and proportion of the said lands
and premises all those certain tracts pieces and allottment of
land situate in the County of Alachua and more particularly
Known and described on the public maps of Said County as
All of Fractional Section Twenty one (21) Lots Four (4) and
Five (5) (or the West half of the North West Quarter) Lot Six (6)
(or the South East Quarter of the North West Quarter) Lots Eleven
(11) Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13) (or the South West Quarter)
of Section Twenty two (22) Lot Two (2) or the North West Quarter
of the North East quarter) Lot Three (3) (or the fractional North
half of the North West quarter) Lot Four (4) (or the fraction
al South half of the North West quarter) Lot five (5) (or
the South West Quarter of the North East quarter) of Sec
tion Twenty Seven(27) all in Township Eleven (11) South
of Range Twenty two (22) East Containing Four hundred
and Seventy Seven & 64/100 (477 64/100) acres more or less
And the said parties of the first part in Considera
tion of the premises and the sum of Three Dollars
to them in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, as also the additional sum of Six
thousand Dollars ($6000) paid to the said Nannie
Yulee Noble (nie Yulee) by the said Florida Yulee
Neff (nee Yulee) do hereby give grant set over Convey
release and Confirm unto the said Florida Yulee
Neff (nee Yulee) the party of the second part

[Part SEC21 TWP11 R22 & Part SEC22 TWP11 R22]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 20 February 2020
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