Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 222
Heirs of Dr McCaa             }
  To                          }  Quit Claim Deed
Stella Henderson & Jno Savage }
Know all men by these presents that we Kate M. Denton and Henry C. Denton
her husband Amelia Dozier and R.M. Dozier her husband Julia McCaa
Lily M. Mitchell and Charles Mitchell her husband Mary Cox and
J.M. Cox her husband and Boykin B. McCaa for and in consideration
of the sum of One dollar to us paid the receipt of which is hereby ac
knowledged do hereby bargain sell convey and quit claim to Stella Hen-
derson and John Savage Children and heirs of the late George Savage of the
County of Alachua in the State of Florida all that tract or parcel of land
lying near the town of Gainesville in said County and known and discribed
as follows Beginning at the North Est Corner of the Original Survey of
said town of Gainesville then running East Six hundred and Sixty feet
then running South Six hundred feet, then running west Six hundred
and Sixty feet to the East boundary line of said survey then northerly
along said line to the place of beginning, in section four Township
Ten Range Twenty, and Containing nine and a half acres more or less
To have and to hold to the said Stella Henderson and John Savage
their heirs and assigns with all the rights and appurtenances in anywise
thereunto belonging. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands
and affixed our seals this January 5th AD 1888
                                             Kate M. Denton      (LS)
A.H. King and } Witnesses to sig of }        H.C. Denton         (LS)
W.L. Bettes   } B.B. McCaa          }        B.B. McCaa          (LS)
                                             Julia McCaa         (LS)
                                             Mary D. Cox         (LS)
Witness as signature of     }                J.M. Cox            (LS)
C.J. Mitchell & L. Mitchell }                C.J. Mitchell       (LS)
  B.F. Roberts              }                L. Mitchell         (LS)
  Lilly Coxe                }                A. Dozier           (LS)
                                             R.M. Dozier         (LS)
Signed sealed and delivered by Mrs Kate M. Denton & H.C. Denton in
our presence this Jany 6 1888
    Thos F. King
    C.O. Hampton
Signed sealed and delivered by Mrs Amelia Dozier R.M. Dozier and Julia
B. McCaa this Mar 1st in our presence
    Lille Dozier  }                       Amelia B. Dozier
    Alice Screven }                       Richard M. Dozier
Signed sealed and delivered in our presence by Mrs Mary Cox and
J.M. Cox this Feby 2nd 1888
Maurry E. Bishop Notary Public State of Florida
   J.L. Anderson
Signed sealed and delivered in our presence by Boykin McCaa
 this Jany 17 1888
  W.L. Bettes and
  A.H. King

[Part SEC4 TWP10 R20]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 18 February 2020
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