Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 224
of her said husband
Witness my hand and official                   }    C.J. Mitchell
seal this March 15th 1888                      }    L. Mitchell
   (  )   B.F. Roberts                         }
 ( seal ) Notary Public for the State at Large } 
   (  )
State of Florida } I T.E. Buckman Clerk of the Circuit Court of said
Duval County     }  County do hereby Certify that Boykin McCaa to me
personally known appeared before me and acknowledged to me that
he had executed the foregoing deed to Stella Henderson and John 
Savage for the purposes therein stated.
              (  )                     T.E. Buckman
            ( Seal )                   Clerk Cir Court
              (  )                     By W.L. Bettes  DC
Field for Record March 26th 1888  Recorded March 29th 1888
                                           J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                                           pr E.C. Wimberly DC

Mary N. Bailey    }  
  To              }  Release of Dower & Quit Claim Deed
John Savage Et al }
State of Florida }  Know all men by these presents that I Mary N.
Alachua County   }  Bailey widow of James B. Bailey late of Gainesville
in Alachua County Florida deceased for and in consideration of the
sum of One dollar to me in hand on this day paid by John
Savage and Stella S. Henderson (nee Stella Savage) heirs at law of
George Savage of Alachua County Florida deceased the receipt where
of I do hereby acknowledge have released relinquished renounced
Conveyed and forever quit claimed and by these presents do release
relinquish renounce convey and forever quit claim unto them
the said John Savage and Stella S. Henderson all of my right
title interest Estate and claim to Dower or other interest or Estate
at law or in equity as the widow or heir at law of the said
James B. Bailey deceased of in and to all of that Certain Lot
tract piece or parcel of land situated lying and being in Alachua
County State of Florida particularly described as follows to wit
Beginning at the North East Corner of the Town of Gainesville
(as said Town was originally planed laid off and bounded prior
to any additions thereto) and running from thence East two hund
red and twenty (220) yards, Thence South One hundred (100) yards
thence West to the Eastern boundary line of the said town of
Gainesville (according to its original boundaries) thence North
along the said boundary line of the said original town of 
Gainesville to the place of beginning Containing five (5) acres
more or less. Together with all and Singular the tenements
hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging
or in any wise appertaining. To have and to hold the
same unto them the said John Savage and Stella S.
Henderson and to their heirs Executors administrators
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 17 February 2020
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