Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 294
Chas E. Stratton  }
    To            }  Quit Claim Deed
Constance Robeson }
To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting, Know Ye That I Charles
E. Stratton of Boston Comth of Massachusetts for and in Consideration
of the sum of One dollar lawful money of the United States of America to me
in hand paid by Constance Robeson wife of W.R. Robeson Jr of said Boston
at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged have remised released and forever quit claimed
and by these presents do remise release and forever quit claim unto
Constance Robeson to her sole & separate use and to her heirs and assigns
forever, All that parcel of land with the buildings thereon standing sit
uated in the County of Alachua & State of Florida & being what is known
as the Clinch Tract of One Thousand acres on Burr & Washington map
of the Arredondo Grant, bounded on the North by land formerly of
Thomas Napier, on the East by Paynes Prairie on the south by land
formerly of Edward Haile and on the West by land formerly of Maxey
Dell now known as the Dell Hammock, Being the same premises
Conveyed by David R. Williams to George A. Quinby by deed dated &
recorded within deeds of Alachua County Book   page   & by said
Quinby to Garth W. James by deed date    & recorded   Book   page
meaning hereby to convey all the right title & interest in the above
described property which I acquired by assignment of Mortgage
deed given by said G.W. James to Mary G. Quinby wife of George
A. Quinby aforesaid and by deed under foreclosure of said Mort
gage from Charles L. Fildes Master in Chancery to me dated
     & recorded. To have and to hold the said released prem-
ises unto the said Constance Robeson her heirs and assigns to
their own proper use and behoof forever. In Testimony whereof
the said Charles E. Stratton bachelor has hereunto set his hand
and Seal this Fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord
one thousand Eight hundred and Eighty Eight
Signed and delivered in the presence of }   Charles E. Stratton  ( )
     James Russell Reed                 }
     W.F. Matchett                      }
Commonwealth of Massachusetts }
 Suffolk    SS                } February 15th 1888
Then personally appeared the above named Charles E. Stratton
and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act
and deed  before me
                          James Russell Reed
                           Justice of the Peace
Commonwealth of Massachusetts              }
Suffolk SS Clerks Office of Superior Court }
I, Jos A. Willard of Boston in said County duly elected qualified
and sworn as Clerk of the Superior Court for and within Said
County and Commonwealth dwelling in Boston in said County
Said Court being a Court of record with a seal which is
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 30 January 2020
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