Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 327
and State of Pennsylvania party of the second part Witnesseth That the said
party of the first part for and in Consideration of the sum of Seventy Eight Dol
lars lawful money of the United States of America to them in hand paid by the
said party of the second part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted
bargained sold aliened remised released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents
does grant bargain sell alien remise release convey and Confirm unto the said
party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever all that Certain Lot
Tract or Parcel of Land situate lying and being in the Section 23 Township
10 South Range 15 East County of Alachua and State of Florida and known
and described on the Town Plan of Bartram as follows Being Block Number
74 on said plan, bounded by Wisteria Avenue, Geranium Avenue Dahlia
Street and Cactus Street, Containing on said Wisteria and Geranium Avenues
Five hundred and Sixty feet more or less and on Dahlia and Cactus Streets
Two hundred feet more or less, Together with all and singular the build-
ings improvements tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong
ing or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions remain
der and remainders rents issues and profits thereof, and also all the
estate right title interest property possession claim and demand what
soever as well in law as in equity of the said party of the first part of
in and to the same and every part and parcel thereof with the appurten
ances To have and to hold the above granted bargained and descri
bed premises with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part
his heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use benefit and behoof
forever. And the said party of the first part for itself and its successors
doth Covenant promise and agree to and with the said party of the Second
part his heirs and assigns that the said of the first part at the time of
the sealing and delivery of these presents is lawfully seized in fee Simple
of a good absolute and indefeasble Estate of inheritance of and in
all and singular the above granted bargained and described premises
with the appurtenances and has good right full power and lawful au-
thority to grant bargain sell and convey the same in manner and form
aforesaid. And that the said party of the Second part his heirs and as-
signs shall and may at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly have
hold use occupy posses and enjoy the above granted premises and every
part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances without any let Suit
trouble molestation Eviction or disturbance of the said party of the first
part its successors or assigns or of any other person or persons lawfully
claiming or to claim the same In Testimony whereof The said party of the
first part hath hereunto affixed its Corporate seal this the day and year
above written                                                             (  Seal  )
Signed sealed and Delivered in presence of }   Isaac N. Kerlin          (Convalescents)
 Kingston Goddard                          }   Attest Wm M. Arguey  Secy  ( Retreat)
 Saml M. Bines                             }
State of Pennsylvania  } Before me a Notary Public for the State
County of Philadelphia } of Pennsylvania residing in the City
of Philadelphia personally appeared Isaac N. Kerlin the Presi-
dent of the Convalescents Retreat who being duly affirmed deposeth
and saith that he was personally present at the execution

[Part SEC23 TWP10 R15]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 30 April 2020
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