Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 346
Ferd Bayer }
  To       }  Deed of Assignment
J.B. Brown }
This Indenture made on the 9th day of May AD 1888 by and be
tween Ferdinand Bayer of the first part and J.B. Brown of the Second
part both of the County of Alachua State of Florida, Witnesseth
That whereas the said Ferdinand Bayer is merchant and unable
to pay his debts in full or at maturity and is desirous of pro
viding for their payment by assigning all his property for that
purpose, Now therefore the said Ferdinand Bayer in Consideration of
the premises and of One Dollar to him in hand paid by the said
J.B. Brown have granted Conveyed bargained sold assigned transferred
and set over and by these presents do grant convey bargain sell as
sign transfer and set over unto him the said J.B. Brown the follow
ing property Viz, two Pool tables and fixtures, One Bar Counter
Two marble top side Boards one large mirror three extension
tables Four square tables Two round tables, Three square side
Tables one Office Table, one office desk one office Clock, one
Mosler Bowman Iron safe, Three dozen Chairs for dining room
one John Van Range with pots and utensils of all Kinds and
all Kitchen furniture all Crockery of every Kind, Four silver
Castors all Knives and Teaspoons and table spoons, Three Chio
mo pictures Three Chandaliers, One heating Stove Nine light sets
of Furniture together with springs mattresses and pillows for
same, Five dark sets of furniture with springs mattresses and
pillows for same and one parlor set and all Carpets mattings
and goods chattels and effects of every Character now in the brick
building used and occupied by said Ferdinand Bayer and
Known as "Bayers Hotel" Situated on the South East Corner of
West Main and Mechanic Streets in the City of Gainesville Alachua
County Florida, and all his credits Choses in action book accounts
and property of every name and Kind owned by him the said
Ferdinand Bayer to have and to hold the same and every part
thereof unto the said J.B. Brown his successors and assigns in
trust however to take possession of the same and to sell the
same with all reasonable dispatch and Convert the same into Money
and also to Collect all such debts and demands hereby assigned
as may be Collectable and with out of the proceeds of such
sales and Collections First to pay all just and reasonable Expenses
costs charges and Commissions for executing and carrying into
effect this assignment including a fee for legal services
to Ashby & Thrasher the sum of $20000 Dollars and by and
with the residue or net proceeds and avails of such sales
and collections the said J.B. Brown shall 2nd pay and
discharge a debt of $375.50 due to J.B. Brown for rent of
house to day of     AD 1888, 3rd Pay and discharge a debt
of $75000 due to Gunolde F. Bayer with interest on same at
8 per cent per annum from January 1st 1888
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 30 June 2018
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