Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Book 28 Page 356
T.V. Porter  W.E.W. Dunson  J.E. Waugh  R.A. Lancaster  E.P. Axtell
April 20th/88 ***
State of Florida  }
Alachua County    } Before me personally appeared H.H. McCreary who being
first duly sworn says that he is a member of the firm of McCreary & White
publishers of a Daily Newspaper published at Gainesville Florida Known as
the Daily Advocate that the Notice hereto attached was published in said paper
Each and every day for seven (7) days next prior ti the 30th day of April AD 1888
Sworn to and subscribed befire me      }              H.H. McCreary
this 2nd day of may AD 1888            }
         E.P. Axtell                   }
         Notary Public State at Large  }

Pursuant to a Notice heretofore given and published in the Gainesville
Daily Advocate a Newspaper published daily at Gainesville Florida for
seven days prior to this date in accordance with the statute in such cases
made and provided as will be seen by reference to a copy of said Notice
together with the affidavit of the publisher hereto attached the following
named persons met in the Young Mens Christain Association Rooms
in the City of Gainesville Florida on the 30th day of April AD 1888
at 8 o'clock PM of said day for the purpose of organizing and perfecting
the incorporation of the Young Mens Christian Association of Gainesville
Florida, there were present I.E. Webster E.M. Cook W.E.W. Dunson J.M
Nimmo C.O. Hampton J.E. Lambert J.D. Shaylor G.M. Coleman W.K. Bartleson
J.E. Waugh and R.A. Lancaster.
Upon motion I.E. Webster was elected Chairman and E.M. Cook
Secretary of the Meeting, Upon motion the following articles of incorpora
tion were adopted.
Articles of Association of the Young Mens Christian Association of
            Gainesvile Florida~
Article I~ Corporate Name~
The name of this Corporation shall be "The Young Mens
Christian Association of Gainesville Florida and shall perpet
ual succesion under and by virtue of the same.
Article II~ Object and Purpose~
The object of this Association is to improve the spiritual intellect
ual social and physical condition of the Young men of the City
of Gainesville and vicinity
Article III Duties of Officers and Members
The duties of the officers and members of this Association shall
be prescribed in its Constitution and By-Laws
Article IV Liabilities of Members.
No Member of this Association shall be liable for any debt
of the Association nor can any member incur any indebtedness
on account of the Association unless duly authorized so to do
by the Association
Article V   ~Officers~
The Officers of this Association shall consist of a Board of
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 23 August 2002
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