Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Book 28 Page 357
Nine Directors to be Elected by ballot and shall serve as follows, three
for one year three for two years and three for three years and at the expiration
of the respective terms as named above the Association shall annually Elect
three directors to fill the vacancies accuring the new Directors to serve foe
three years or until their succssors enter upon their duties, The Board of
Directors shall annually Elect from their own number one as President one
as Vice President one as Secretary and one as Treasurer of the Association
All officers shall be elected at the time and place prescribed by the Constitu
tion and By Laws
Article VI  Directors
The management of this Association shall be vested in Nine directors
and their successors to wit: C.O. Hampton J.A. Carlisle T.V. Porter I.E Webster
J.E. Waugh G.M. Coleman W.E.W. Dunson R.A. Lancaster and E.P. Axtell
who shall hold their office for the time and whose successors shall be
elected in the maner presrcibed by the Constitution and By Laws of the
Article VII    Meetings
The meetings of the Association shall be annual regualar and called
The time and place and manner of calling Regular and called meetings
shall be fixed by the Constitution and By Laws of the Association
Annual Meetings shall be held on the 2nd Tuesday in January of
Each year in the rooms of the Association in Gainesville Florida
Article VIII  Constitution and By Laws
The Association may adopt a Constitution and By Laws not in conflict
with these Articles of Association and the Laws of the State of Florida
which may be amended and changed as therein provided
Article IX   Incoporators
The Following named persons compose the Association at the time of
its organization
Axtell E.P.        Dorsey W.S.        McCormick R.W.     Sheats W.N.
Burnett S.J.       Dodd J.E.          Magee H.           Sewell T.N.
Bartleson W.K.     Dell J.M.          Miller H.          Sibley W.H.
Bartleson C.W.     Drake B.C.         Myers W.M.         Swearingen T.J.
Bartleson M.D.     Dunson W.E.W.      Nimmo J.M.         Sheldon C.A.
Brown G.H.         Halsted I.J.       Olmsted Geo P.     Tomkies F.W.
Bell James         Hampton C.O.       Phelps L.W.        Voyle E.E.
Benson N.E.        Halliday S.F.      Post J.H.          Waugh J.E.
Bessellieu J.Z.    Jones H.N.         Porter T.V.        Webster I.E.
Curry A.B.         Lancaster R.A.     Parramore J.J.     Wimberly E.C.
Carlisle J.A.      Lambert J.E.       Robb Harry         Flewellen J.R.
Cushman A.M.       Leighton A.W.      Ramsey Henry       Hargrove J.R.
Clark Jno W.       Miller Phillip     Reynolds J.E.      Davis C.H.
Crawford C.Y.      McCormick W.J.     Shaylor J.D.       E.M. Cook
Cater E.P.         McCormick R.P.     Scott W.W.

Article X    Membership
The membership of this Association may be increased
or decreased as provided by the Constitution and By Laws
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 23 August 2002
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