Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 372
Given under my hand and seal this Twenty ninth day of July
Anno Domini 1858,          {L.S.}    John R. Harrell
Filed for Record May 22nd 1888 Recorded May 22nd 1888
				       J.A. Carlisle Clerk
				   for E.C. Wimberly DC

J.L. Kelly	}
To		} Warranty Deed
D.E. Morgan	}
This deed of conveyance Witnesseth that J.L. Kelly &wife Lilian M. of
Alachua County and state of Florida and Lilian M. his wife in consid
eration of the sum of One Thousand dollars which the said J.L. Kelly
and wife Lilian M. hereby acknowledges that they have received from
D.E. Morgan of Windsor Fla have bargained and sold and hereby give
grant release alien and confirm to the said D.E. Morgan and to his
heirs and assigns the following land situated in the County of Alachua
State of Florida to wit: the South half of Lot Number (17) seventeen
lying on the west side of Green Street and between lots 16 & 18 of Mrs.
M.A. Nobles' subdivision of the Town of Windsor according to the plat
thereof recorded in Book "A" page one (1) of said Alachua County
records. Said Town of Windsor is located in Township Ten South Range	
Twenty one East said half containing (2.25) Two & fourth acres more or
less. This conveyance is made on and subject to the express condition
that no intoxicating liquors of any kind shall at any time here-
after be manufactured or sold by the grantee his heirs or assigns
upon the premises herein described and conveyed to be used as a
beverage. And it is expressly provided and made a condition
absolute of these presents that if at any time hereafter any
intoxicating liquors shall be manufactured or sold by the Grantee
his heirs or assigns on such premises to be used as a beverage it
shall work a forfeiture thereof and the Grantor and his heirs shall
thereupon have and may exercise the right to re-enter and possess
said premises as of their former estate therein, Together with all ease
ments rights of way and appurtenances generally belonging to said
land and the said J.L. Kelly & wife Lilian M. covenants with the
said D.E. Morgan that they have lawful right to sell and con-
vey the said premises as above he has done that the said
premises are free from any lien or encumbrance in law or in eq
uity. And that he will warrant and defend the said title
against the claims and demands of all persons. And the said
Lilian M. Kelly hereby consents with her husband to the aliena
tion of said land and makes herself a party to this deed for the
purpose of relinquishing her dower and rights of dower
 Witness our hands and seals the 20th day of Feb A D 1888
Signed sealed and delivered in our presence   }J.L. Kelly M.D. (Seal)
 Paul Fischer				      }Lilian M. Kelly (Seal)
 G.D. Watson                                  }
Transcribed by Robert K. Kelley 4 December 2010
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