Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 390
Lake, Thence along the Western boundary of Newnans lake to
South West Corner of Section Twenty one Township Nine Range Twenty one
and that the voting place for said Election District number Nineteen
(19) shall be at the Town of Orange Heights, That the Western bound
ary of Election District Number Fourteen shall be changed so as to be
Lochloosa Creek
That an Election District be established as follows, Election
District Number Twenty (20) shall comprise all that portion of the County
in the boundaries and areas as follows to wit, Bounded on the
East by the Range line dividing Ranges Eighteen and Seventeen
and on the North by the County line and on the west by the Range
line dividing Ranges Seventeen and Sixteen, and on the South
by the Township line dividing Townships Eight and Nine and
that the voting place for said Election District shall be at the
town of High Springs,   That the Western boundary line of
Election District Number Three (3) be changed so as to be the
Range line dividing Ranges Eighteen and Seventeen,
Done and ordered by the Board of County Commissioners
of Alachua County this May 1st AD 1888
Attest     J.A. Carlisle     }         Wm H. Robertson
           Clerk Bd Co Comrs }          Prest B C.C.
Filed for Record June 5th 1888 Recorded June 5th 1888
                                         J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                                          pr E.C. Wimberly DC

Sallie J. Perry }
  To            }  Quit Claim Deed
John S. Beach   }
The State of Florida }  Know all men by these presents that I
Alachua County       }  Sallie J. Perry as sole heir at law of the Estate
of M.S. Perry decd and as sole heir at law of Estate of M.P. Perry
decd of the aforesaid County and State and in Consideration of the
sum of One Dollars to me in hand paid by John S. Beach of the
County of Vigo in the State of Indiana the receipt whereof I do
hereby acknowledge have granted bargained sold conveyed and quit
claimed and by these presents do grant bargain sell convey and quit
Claim unto him the said John S. Beach all that Certain lot piece
tract or parcel of land situated lying and being in the County of
Alachua State of Florida particularly known and described as follows
to wit, The South West Quarter of the North East quarter, the South
East quarter of the North West quarter and the North East quarter
of the North West quarter of Section (31) Thirty one in Township
Ten (10) South of Range (22) Twenty two East Being all of the
right title or interest had in said land or claimed by the Estate
of M.S. Perry or by the Estate of M.P. Perry or by myself as
sole heir at law of the said Several Estates of the said Decedents
Containing by estimation 119 acres of land more or less. Together
with all and singular the tenements hereditaments and

[Part SEC31 TWP10 R22]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 5 February 2020
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