Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 422
Executed the foregoing deed for the purpose of relinquishing her
dower, and right of dower in and to the property therein described
and Conveyed and that she done done the same freely and volun
tarily and without any fear or Compulsion of or from her said hus
band. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed my seal on this the day and year above written     her
Acknowledged and Subscribed before     }           Sarah A. X Patterson
me this 1st day of March AD 1888       }                   mark
   (  )           A.J. DaCosta         }           Elizabeth Pinkoson
 ( Seal )  Notary Public State at Large}           Mary E. McCarrall
   (  )                                }           Sarah E. Patterson
Filed for Record June 16th 1888 Recorded June 18th 1888
                                                  J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                                                   pr E.C. Wimberly DC

Mrs Elizabeth Pinkoson Et al }
   To                        }
Wm B. Patterson              }
State of Florida } Know all men by these presents that Mrs Elizabeth
Alachua County   } Pinkoson daughter and heir at law of Thomas Patter
son late of Gainesville Alachua deceased and Hyman Pinkoson hus
band of Mrs Elizabeth Pinkoson and Mrs Mary E. McCarrall a daughter 
and heir at law of the late Thomas Patterson and Michael G.
McCarrall husband of Mrs Mary E. McCarrall and Mrs Sarah A.
Patterson as the widow and relict of the late Thomas Patterson all 
of Alachua County Florida, For and in Consideration of the sum 
of One dollar and for the further consideration of effecting a 
mutual partition and division of the real Estate of the late Thomas Patterson 
in Gainesville Alachua County (he having departed this life intes
tate) without recourse to the Courts among his heirs at law and
to avoid any further expense in the premises, said real Estate 
being fully described on a Survey and plat of the same by P.F. 
Jenkins Civil Engineer of Gainesville Florida and of record in book 
of Plats "A" page Twenty one of the records of deeds in the office 
of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Alachua County Florida, Have 
granted bargained sold remised released quit claimed and
Conveyed and by these presents do grant bargain sell remise 
release quit claim and Convey unto the said William B. Patterson
as one of the heirs at law of the late Thomas Patterson deceased 
all of our rights titles interests Claims and demands of what-
soever Kind or nature as well at law as in equity as heirs 
at law of the late Thomas Patterson deceased in and to that Cer
tain part or parcel of land in said town of Gainesville Alachua
County Florida in what is known as the Thomas Patterson Estate
as Surveyed by P.F. Jenkins and described as Commencing at the
South East Corner of Lot number Five of said Patterson Estate and
running West on a straight line One hundred and five feet
to the Southern Corner of said Lot Five thence North on a
straight line four Hundred and thirty feet to a stake
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 6 February 2020
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