Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 425
G.W. Marble         }   Elizabeth Pinkoson   (Seal)
A.J. DaCosta        }   Hymon Pinkoson       (Seal)
                    }   William B. Patterson (Seal)
                    }  Sarah E. Patterson    (Seal)
State of Florida } Be it remembered that on this 1st day of March AD
Alachua County   } 1888 that I A.J. DaCosta a Notary Public do hereby Certify 
that before personally appeared before me Mrs Sarah A. Patterson widow and
relict of Thomas Patterson deceased, and Mrs Elizabeth Pinkoson a daugh
ter and an heir at law of said Thomas Patterson and Hymon Pinkoson 
her husband and William B. Patterson Son and an heir at law of
Thomas Patterson and Mrs Sarah E. Patterson wife of William B. Patter
son who each severally acknowledged before me that they executed the
foregoing deed for purposes therein expressed I further Certify
that on a private examination held by me separate and aprart 
from her said husband she the said Mrs Elizabeth Pinkoson wife of the
said Hymon Pinkoson did acknowledge before me that she executed
the foregoing deed to be her separate property and Voluntarily and
without any fear Compulsion apprehension or Constraint of or from
her said husband, And I further Certify that the Said Mrs Sarah
E. Patterson on a private Examination held by me Separate and
apart from her said husband William B. Patterson did acknowledge
before me that she made herself a party to and executed the
foregoing deed of Conveyance for the purpose of renouncing and
relinquishing all of her dower and right of dower in and to the
property therein described and that she done the same freely
and voluntarily and without any fear apprehension Compul
sion or Constraint of or from her said husband.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal 
this the day and year above written   }
Acknowledged and Subscribed before me }    Sarah A. X Patterson
this 1st day of March AD 1888         }    Elizabeth Pinkoson              
   (  )           A.J. DaCosta        }    Sarah E. Patterson        
 ( Seal )         Notary Public       }       
   (  )           State at Large      }   
Filed for Record June 16th 1888 Recorded June 20th 1888
                                          J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                                           pr E.C. Wimberly DC

Mrs Mary E. McCarrll Etal }
   To                     }  Deed
Mrs Sarah A. Patterson    }
State of Florida } Know all men by these presents that we Mrs
Alachua County   } Mary E. McCarrall as the daughter of and
one of the heirs at law of the late Thomas Patterson deceased of the
County of Alachua State of Florida, and Michael G. McCarrall her
husband and Mrs Elizabeth Pinkoson also a daughter and heir
at law of the late Thomas Patterson and Hymon Pinkoson
her husband and William B. Patterson as the son and heir
at law of the late Thomas Patterson and Sarah E. Patterson
his wife all of Alachua County State of Florida -
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 9 February 2020
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