Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 427
whom Severally acknowledged before me that the executed the foregoing 
deed for the uses and purposes and with the intentions therein Expressed 
And I further Certify that the said Mrs Mary E. McCarrall wife of the Said
Michael G. McCarrall and the said Mrs Elizabeth Pinkoson wife of the
Said Hymon Pinkoson upon a private Examination held by me Separate 
and apart from their said husbands each severally acknowledged before 
me that they executed the foregoing deed for the purposes therein Ex
pressed, and that they done the same freely and Voluntarily and with
out any fear Apprehension Constraint or Compulsion of or from their 
Said husbands, and that the said Mrs Sarah E. Patterson wife of
William B. Patterson upon a private Examination by me separate and
apart from her said husband acknowledged before me that she made her
self a party to and executed the foregoing deed for the purpose of relinquish
ing her dower and right of dower in and to the property therein de
scribed that she done the same freely and voluntarily and without
any Compulsion Constraint fear or apprehension of or from her said
husband. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and 
seal this the 1st day of March AD 1888
Acknowledged and Subscribed before me this }   Elizabeth Pinkoson 
1st day of March AD 1888                   }   Mary E. McCarrall               
   (  )           A.J. DaCosta             }   Sarah E. Patterson        
 ( Seal )  Notary Public State at Large    }       
   (  )                 
Filed for Record June 16th 1888 Recorded June 21st 1888
                                            J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                                             pr E.C. Wimberly DC

Susan Maria Stapleton Et al }
  To                        }  Deed
Sarah A. Patterson Et al    }
State of New Jersey } SS
County of Passaic   } Know all men by these presents that we
Mrs Susan Maria Stapleton (whose maiden name was Susan
Maria Patterson daughter and one of the heirs at law of Thomas
Patterson late of Gainesville Alachua County deceased who depart
Ed this life intestate and George Stapleton her husband of the City
of Paterson Passaic County State of New Jersey who Joins his wife
in the execution of this deed for the purpose of enabling her to Convey
her separate estate and property in the land hereinafter described
For and in Consideration of the sum of one dollar to us in hand
paid by the other heirs at law of her deceased father the late Thomas
Patterson Viz Mrs Sarah A. Patterson his widow and relict Mrs
Elizabeth Pinkoson wife of Hymon Pinkoson his daughter also
Mrs Mary E. McCarrall wife of Michael G. McCarrall his daughter and
William B. Patterson his Son All of Gainesville Alachua County
Florida and for the further Consideration of effecting a mutual
partition of the Real Estate of the deceased Thomas Patterson among
his heirs at law without recourse to the Courts and to avoid
further expense in the premises said real Estate being in the
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 10 February 2020
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