Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 433
R.H. Hawkins Et al }
  To               }  Deed
James G. Garnett   }
This Indenture made and entered unto on this 8th day of March AD
1887 between R.H. Hawkins and M.S. Hawkins his wife E.A. Hawkins and
H.V. Hawkins his wife of Alachua County Florida parties of the first part and
James G. Garnett party of the second part, Witnesseth: That whereas our
our father Mathew B. Hawkins in his lifetime to wit on the 19th
day of June AD 1854 made and executed a certain Deed of Conveyance
to J.G. Garnett Conveying Section Thirty Three Township Nine Range Eighteen
in Alachua County Florida And whereas it has been made to appear
to us that Said Mathew B. Hawkins did not own but Eighty Acres of
land in Section Thirty Three Township Nine Range Eighteen as will appear
by reference to United States Record in Local Land office at page 42
but did own the entire Section Thirty Three Township Nine Range Nineteen
East: and that he received the sum of Twelve hundred Dollars therefor
at the hands of said J.G. Garnett: Therefore Know all men by these
presents that we the said parties of the first part heirs of Mathew
B. Hawkins deceased for and in Consideration of the premises and
the Sum of One dollar to us in hand paid by James G. Garnett
the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged do herein and hereby make
this deed of information to James G. Garnett and to his assigns and
do by these presents grant bargain sell and convey unto him the
said James G. Garnett his heirs and assigns the following described real
Estate lying and being in Alachua County Florida to wit Section
Thirty Three Township Nine Range Nineteen East, To have and to
hold the same unto the said James G. Garnett his heirs and assigns
forever Together with all and Singular the temonts heriditaments
& appurtenances to the Same belonging or in any wise appertain
ing. In Witness Whereof we have hereunto Set our hands and
affixed our Seals on this date first above written
Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of us as witnesses } R.H. Hawkins (Seal)
John A. Grow                                             } M.S. Hawkins (seal)
 Chas O. Hampton                                         } E.A. Hawkins (seal)
                                                         } H.V. Hawkins (seal)
State of Florida } Personally came before me R.H. Hawkins & his
Alachua County   } wife M.D. Hawkins E.A. Hawkins & H.V. Hawkins
his      to me well known who acknowledged that they executed
the foregoing Instrument for the uses & purposes therein set forth
And the said M.D. Hawkins wife of R.H. Hawkins and H.V.
Hawkins wife of E.A. Hawkins on an Examination made separate
and apart from their husbands Acknowledged in my pres
ence, that they executed the foregoing deed for the purpose
of releasing renouncing and relinquishing all dower in
and to the said premises and that said relinquishment
is done freely & voluntarily & without any fear Constraint
or apprehension of or from their said husbands
Witness my hand & official seal on this 8th day of March 

[Part SEC33 TWP9 R18 & All SEC33 TWP9 R19]]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 11 February 2020
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